
Which do u like better ewan vs milo miriam vs margaux?

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for boys i really like these two best as first and if i have two boys in the long run im using both just not sure which i want to use first

Ewan (you-in)


Miriam (mee-ree-um) *maybe Mimi as a nick name

Margaux- (mar-go) I like this spelling better then margo or margot




  1. I love Milo.

    That's my cats name.

  2. I like the name Ewen, but spelled that way, sooo many people will pronounce it wrong speeled 'Ewan'. Trust me, I have a son named Beau, and people are dumb and still call out 'BEEE-YOU'. Rejects. I like Milo, it's cute, just be sure to picture them as grown men with the names you give them too. I had a friend in school named Miriam, cute. Margeaux is cute as well, but to achieve the Marg-O, you'd need to spell it with the EAUX. Otherwise it would be 'Marg-ooo'(?) Anyways, it's French and means 'pearl', Pretty! Good Luck!

  3. ...It's not Margeaux.  The E makes the G soft (J-sounding)

    (...Someone posted that earlier...)

  4. Milo and Miriam -  nice names.

  5. Ewan for boy, Margaux for girl.

  6. I love both boys names!  Ewan is just awesome (and I'm in love with Ewan McGregor lol), and same with Milo (and not just because of Milo Ventimiglia haha lol).  If I had to choose one to use first though, I'd probably go with Milo.  It sounds different, cute but masculine at the same time.

    But between the girls' names, I only really like Margaux, which is an awesome name.  That spelling and Margot would be my favorites (Margo looks too close to mango for me lol).  Margaux just sounds and looks beautiful, and slightly foreign but in an exotic way lol.  Miriam is nice enough, but a little old-sounding to me.  Mimi would be really cute as a nickname though.

    Good luck!

  7. Ewan & Miriam...I think Ewan & Mimi are cute!

  8. Ewan. I love Ewan McGregor!

    Margaux. Frenchy!

  9. if u go w/ that spelling its actually Margeaux! and i like it better than miriam

    for boys i like Milo

  10. Ewan (because it is different and uncommon), but pretty; Margaux, I like it spelled this way, because it makes it more unique than just spelling it everyone does!Just like the baby who is going to be wearing it!Special & unique! Congratulations for the gift  freely given to you!

  11. Whatever you choose is down to if it suits the child... Naming children is difficult... I always had my names picked before the kids where born... David Lawrence and Kayleigh Simone, luckily I only had the two if they'd been the same s*x then the second girl was to be called Chelsea Leigh, not sure on the boy, hadn't thought of one.... But thats by the by....

    All the names you have picked are lovely, although Milo is known in NZ as a hot drink but don't let that stop you from naming your child, look at the initials when you've completely decided as children can be cruel if it spells something....

    I like Margaux more than Miriam as I think it's an old name, reminds me of old ladies.... No disrespect.


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