
Which do u like better rats or mice

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i have two of both they r both feeders that i saved from snakes and they make awsome pets i just wanted to no which one u like better and y




  1. Rats...I had 4 rats. Awesom pets. So smart,

    But my mice were mean. I got them from a pet store and they didnt like to be handled. I tried to work with them  but they just didnt want to be near me.  

  2. Rats are very intelligent.

    They are responsive to their names,

    and to your face. They also have better personalities and tend to be more friendly than mice.  

  3. neither i like bunny rabbits.

    jk. i like rats better - they're smarter. but mice are cuter. ahhh, the agony of choosing.

  4. rats, because they are smarter, more plaful, and more...interactive! mice stink and are scared of everything.

    btw, you don't "save" feeder rats. the pet store is very able to just get more of them to live undre the same conditions and be fed to a snake, that also has to eat. it's how the world goes round.

  5. rats.

    because they are alot smarter and mice bite

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