
Which do you consider more imprtant as far as a restaurant is <span title="concerned-courteous,prompt">concerned-courteous,promp...</span> service or quality?

by  |  earlier

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quesion in the employment test, i have no idea. can anyone help me?




  1. In my opinoin with out a doubt - Courteous of all waitstaff concerned, prompt service and quality of the food go hand in hand. - should be the answer to the question on/in the employment test.

  2. Good food.

    If a place has the best service and the food sucks, you won&#039;t go back.  

    If it has outstanding food, but crappy service, you may go back just for the food.

  3. service, and quality.

    service because you are in their restaurant, and you have to give them a tip, so if they&#039;re lacking on your service, who would want to eat there anymore, its stupid, they would just get less and less customers, and quality because, if they&#039;re giving a piece of garbage for $12 that everyone hates, whats the point of even coming here, it&#039;s c**p.

    but if i were to pick the most important one, id say service, cause you don&#039;t have all day to waste sitting there waiting a million hours to get food, it would be better to just eat at home , faster, better, and funner-chatting w/ friends

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