
Which do you consider the best places in the world to travel to?

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Me and my girlfriend would like to see the world, and we are brainstorming interesting places to go. I'm curious as to the places that would be suggested in response to my question. If anybody has been to a foreign country/city and found it particularly fascinating, I would love to hear your input. Thanks!




  1. Brazil! That is one of the best places in the world. A place called Bahia (northeast of Brasil) Is just like a paradise! Salvador city is the capital. Carribbean beaches, islands, great people, GREAT Food!! (Oh my!) and culture!!!!

    Fun, beautiful, Charming, happy! Lot's of things to do and see but you can also simply relax on the beach - woth palmtrees, coconut trees, eating sea food etc

    Go for it! You will love it!

  2. Egypt its the saftes place in the world and it has alot of natural places but if u go there dont work there just live in it

  3. 1) The Sultanate of Oman (Middle East, South of Dubai and Saudi Arabia and has Yemen on its Western border)

    = Paradise, wilderness, its fantastic & very openminded, very social and gentle people, everything is still well preserved (cities, nature, culture, traditions, etc...)

    Basically : its wild nature -wadis, desert in the North and lots of greenery in the South-. its traditions and its people who live contemporary lives but still very much honour their traditions and culture.

    2)India = eye opener, a melting pot of cultures - from South to North, from East to West- , its natural beauty, its temples and mix of religions, its people, its food, its festivals.....everything and anything is worthwhile to be seen and visited. Everyday something is happening. Basically its culture and its people.

    3) If you want more affordable and different : Belgium

    Just plain fantastic except for the weather. Lots of history, beautiful architecture, castles & medieval cities all over the country, local weekly open markets & flea markets, fantastic food, cheeses & beers,  its very open and friendly people.

    You have a choice between :

    In the North : the seaside (Dutch speaking) + medieval cities such as Brugge (The Venice of the North) or Ghent.

    In the Center : Brussels = capital of Belgium and of Europe with its medieval buildings, musea, royal palace, parcs and forests. (an enclave >>> French speaking although it is smack in the middle of Dutch speakers' country)

    In the South : forests, castles, wildlife. (French speaking)

    As Belgium is a very small country you can visit sooo many places in a very short time because you won't waste too much time in transport and, if you do not have a car, public transportation is working very well. Also, even if you don't speak either French or Dutch, you'll always find somebody speaking English.

    Mentalities, habits & traditions, food specialities, etc... are very different from one part of the country to the other part.

    You tell me now that I have just 2 hours to pack, i'll just take my passport and go......especially to Oman and India as both countries are so different, so special and really beautiful but basically unknown by most as a lot of people still have some misconceptions about or are prejudiced against them. I have lived in both countries and miss them terribly.

    Would love to visit Yemen which has the same tribe as in Oman but which has a very different look on life and culture.

    Hope this helps and I wish you and your girlfriend a fabulous and unforgettable trip to wherever you decide to fly away to.

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