
Which do you fear most?

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Just out of curiosity....which do you fear the most? A tornado, hurricane, or earthquake? I KNOW all three are terrible, but if you had to choose a geographic location that was prone to lots of BAD earthquakes, lots of BAD tornadoes, or lots of hurricanes, which would be the LAST location you would pick to live in? (Disregarding all other factors regarding the locations).




  1. I feel like a hurricane is the worst.

    It's probably as strong if not stronger than a tornado, and could do as much damage as any of the three.

  2. Hurricane...wait, earthquake...cant choose!

    The last location is somewhere in Russia. The place where it has colder weather.


  4. Tornados.

    Because they are strong winds and you have no idea which direction they may head.

    I live in California, and thank goodness we dont have Hurricanes or Tornados, just earthquakes. You just have to be prepared just in case the "big one" hits any second now... O.O

  5. I fear a tornado full of snakes.  Like maybe one that hit the zoo and picked up a bunch of deadly ones on its way to my house.

  6. Im more scared of paedophiles.

  7. All of them. expecally because i live in new york. if one skyscraper falls, glass would be every were.

  8. i hate hurricanes so i would never live in a place that was prone to them . hurricanes involve lots of water and its kina like a tornado so that would suck

    right now i deal with a buttloads of tornadoes but none of them really hit my area just all around me

  9. earthquake of course. Tornadoes and hurricanes are bad, but earthquakes are way more life-threatning (ex: recent china killled millions and billions!!!). I wouldn't live in any undeveloped countries, because they don't have very good systems. The ones that predict if there is going to be a hurricane or tornado etc.

  10. Most definitely earthquake areas for the reason that there is no warning and no time to prepare!

    I currently live in Florida and I have been through more than my share of hurricanes.  I previously lived in California and experienced several earthquakes.  Give me a hurricane any day!!!!!!

  11. hurricanes

  12. with a little precaution you can protect yourself from tornadoes and hurricanes but earthquakes are unpredictable and as the recent one in china demonstrates, can't be avoided.

  13. Where I live, the biggest danger is hurricanes. I don't exactly fear them,they are a fact of life, here, but I sure as h**l respect them and am prepared for them.


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