
Which do you find easier?

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running 4 miles on the treadmill or running 4 miles outdoors?

with an ipod or without?




  1. treadmill because it feels better than running on pavement and

    with an i pod because it makes time seem as if its passing faster

  2. running on a treadmill is easier. If you take big strides, you dont even have to push off, just wait for the ground to move

  3. Running 4 miles outside definitely seems easier. A treadmill drags out the mileage. You'll run it faster if you go outside. Plus, when you have those sudden bursts of energy, it does no good on a treadmill.

    I have no preference of with or without an ipod. It depends if you're by yourself I guess. I run without an ipod, because I'd like to be able to talk to people if they came by.

  4. treadmills are boring

    outside is more fun

  5. outdoor

    ipod/no ipod is the same...

  6. for me, defiantly running outside with no ipod running down a nice dirt road and just either zoneing out or thinking about stuff, but everyones different.

    Ive never in my life been able to run a whole mile on a treadmill its soo unmotivating for me running and not going anywhere plus i like the change in scenery. The ipods i tried (with my mp3 same thing) that like once or twice but the earphones would never stay in my ear and i didnt like it swinging around in my pocket and hitting my leg so i stopped that too. but just experiment see what you like

  7. 4 miles outdoors

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