
Which do you find hardest to imagine being real?

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A)Bigfoot. B)Mothman. C)Ghosts. D)Aliens in ufo's. E)God. F)Satan. G)Alligators that live in sewers in NYC. H)All of the above.




  1. E/F.  You should go post this in spirituality,  youd get less boring responses :)

  2. A,B,and C.

  3. none

  4. I find it hard to imagine any of them, but at least alligators in the NY sewers are remotely feasible, unlike any of the others.

  5. B ,C ,E ,F ,

  6. I can never believe in aliens for some reason.  It seems like a very far-fetched idea millions of light years away!

  7. God

  8. I) None of the above.

    I personally believe that the most reasonable explanation for the universe and all in it is the presence of some entity that exists outside of our perceivable concept of time, space, and matter-- it is the most logical conclusion to me.  It makes at least as much sense as any naturalist explanation, and requires just as much faith, since there is no way to directly prove or disprove the existence of God.

    Now, assuming there is a God, (or an entity capable of creating the universe, whatever your name for him is) if he is capable of creating the universe, the planets, and all life, then why couldn't he create any of the other things?  If God is possible, then by default all the others are possible

  9. A and B are the hardest for me, because all evidence in those cases point toward hoaxes.

    Next would be D because I alien culture is based to heavily on sightings of venus and sleep paralysis.

    C and G would be next because I believe people might see Ghosts even if they are not really dead people, and although the alligator urban legend isn't real, alligators and NYC sewers are both real.

    The most believed in my book is E and F, because Gods presents has had  a great influence on my life, and if I am going to believe in the Bible, then Satan is part of the package.

    So here is the summary from least believable to most.

    A - B - D - C - G - F - E

  10. No idea, but it would be kinda fun to have alligators in NY sewers don't you think?

  11. E) God, F) Satan

    They are the only ones that, by definition, are physically impossible according to my beliefs about the universe.

  12. None of the above.

  13. I don't discuss religion.Everything else is unfounded or silly.

  14. D,F.and G I know the mothman exists I'm from the Appalachian region and have had a first hand experience with that one. It looks nothing like a human more like a huge burned bat with melted red skin,and more like 4 to 5 feet tall not 12 feet like people claim. Bigfoot I'm unsure. I need proof on the one. I've had personal experience's with ghosts as well.

  15. mothman, what he **** is that

    then after that id say bigfoot cause their doesnt neccesarily have to be a link between monkeys and humans

    the rest i beleive are true,

  16. H,  they ALL are mythical creatures.

  17. Satan

  18. a god like religious people say.

  19. F

  20. I find the idea of Mothman being the hardest to imagine being real. Genetically speaking it is impossible for a moth and a human to recreate.

    Bigfoot could be real-it could be a person with a huge foot who terrorizes others

    Ghosts have been acknowledged by many

    It is very possible for space to have other life forms

    I believe in God and Satan

    Alligators have been found in the sewers of NYC and other places after people flush them or discard of their poor pets unethically.

  21. Mothman.

  22. h all of the above

  23. I would say mothman, God, and Satan. I dont think mothman exists or what he would look like, the same for god and satan. And nobody can tell us that god and satan are real because if you see either then you are dead and you cant go back to tell anyone. I liked the show Joan of Arcadia because god was always changing. God had no gender, race, age height or weight or anything like that, god was always different. I just cant believe that any of these exist because all of them somehow had to be bornand i dont know how that would happen.

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