
Which do you find more interesting: beauty or ugliness?

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Which do you find more interesting: beauty or ugliness?




  1. I find both fascinating, especially those times when the ugliest of people can have the most beautiful of hearts or when the most beautiful person can have the darkest, ugliest heart possible.

  2. "Strangeness" or "unusualness" is more interesting that BOTH.

    What I like is an attractive women with ONE or TWO huge flaws. That gets my attention....

    Example: Jessica Alba being severely pigeon toed. OR Angelina Jolie having a crooked nose. If you get the idea.

  3. Both are fascinating

  4. ugliness... "typical" beauty comes with bland personalities. i find people who are what the mainstream calls "ugly" are way more interesting!

  5. Beauty or ugliness in what? Just a few thoughts though -

    People - Beauty or ugliness is subjective, more so because it is in the eyes of the beholder. It is my experience that people who are usually branded 'ugly' by others, are more interesting, since they have to compete/excel in many different ways just to keep abreast, if not to win. On top of that, they tend to be more sensitive to others.

    Art - To me there is nothing called ugly. Each piece of art has a beauty in its own. I find all of them interesting.

  6. I shall be honest, it is beauty that I find more interesting. Or maybe the lack of it. It still centres around beauty.

  7. beauty is almost universally defined as symmetry of the facial features and (for women) the hip waist ratio.

    The more unsymmetrical changes are the more likely to be considered unattractive.

    I prefer ugliness. I like to collect strange people in general, but it's interesting you bring this up, because DaVinci also prefered the grotesque to the beautiful, finding it far more interesting

  8. I love beauty .... in me, in others, in nature, in the sky in the moon, in the stars, in the laugh of a baby....

    If you speak of women there is beauty in every woman: Woman is Beauty!

    If you speak of nature: of the desert of the automn of the winter of the spring and summer ...its all Beauty!

    If you speak of Man: His brain, his laugh, his voice, his body, his presence is Beauty!

    Beauty is inside you , the Most fascinating thing in life: your feeling of beauty !

  9. That's easy -ugliness. Its more interesting and 'different'.

    Beauty is symmetrical and boring.

  10. I like flawed beauty. I small scar, gap in the teeth, quirky smile or other small defect helps set off the rest of the beauty without making it look phony.

  11. An unusual or quirky kind of beauty that may often be mistaken for ugliness.

  12. both are silly social constructs.  but if i had to pick a more *interesting* one, it would be ugliness.

  13. I tend to have an aversion to the things my eyes perceive as being "ugly", therefore I don't pay much attention to them, so my answer, by process of elimination, must be beauty...

  14. people can be beautiful on the outside but horrible on the inside, I don't understand why people are so obsessed with looks when it is a persons personality that really counts

  15. wow ur diabolical... in a good way... but i say beauty

  16. I perfer average and plain to be an interesting intrest.

  17. You know those dogs that are so weird-looking but so good natured that you love them?

    Yeah.  People are superficial, and they tend to treat pretty people better, but there is more to beauty than simply looks.

  18. I never thought of this before, but I think about ugliness more than beauty.  Is it absolute or relative?  Is it regional? Can the answer be found by studying very young children?

    Also, I think about how looks affect lives.  How does beauty/ugliness affect intelligence, personality, career choice, social skills, etc.

    Is "ugly" an ugly word?

    I think too much.

  19. I find books the most interesting and the 'beautiful' as Edmund Burke had it in his Philosophical Enquiry into the nature of the Sublime and Beautiful of 1789 is quite extraordinary. Also the beautiful as an aesthetic category is fascinating, else why would Plato, Aristotle, Kant, Hegel, Longinus, and Schopenhaur engage in centuries long dialectics about it. I have to say certain depictions of ugliness in art such as Rodin's Ugolino or Donatellos Mary Magdalene are interesting but in their art there is a beauty to such ugliness as it is a part of the human condition.

  20. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. So this question is pretty impossible to get a very accurate answer for. Beauty and ugliness are general and opinionated terms, and interest falls about equally between them.

  21. "Beauty" and "ugly" are rather vague terms. I find them both interesting for that very reason. Our society, primarily the American, are so easy to be led into what the media determines "ugly" or "beautiful". How come we allow others do lead us, instead of doing our own leading?

    What you determine to be ugly, I may determine to be the most beautiful item, person, place out there. Just the same as being beautiful. Since when did blonde, big boobed, big lipped, no waist no hips become "the" image sought after?

    Look into Hollywood's history. There was a time when intelligence, curves, and health were more important than unobtainable images.

  22. I find inspiration in beauty that comes in the form of a personality. I find it aggravating when I come across someone who has an ugly personality.

  23. It depends on what kind of ugly and how ugly and what kind of beauty etc..

    There are different kinds of ugly, some people are born ugly (bad genes etc.) and some who become ugly through their life style and their actions and being and becoming (it is very easy to see read a persons personality from their face, after a certain age the vices of a person become impregnated in their face.) this is what i call ugly.

    uglyness at times is an indication of retardation or degeneration or psyche disorder.

  24. Both can be interesting.

    Unless beauty follows fashion, which probably means that it's nothing really important...

  25. This might sound sexist - and maybe it is - but I can handle ugliness a lot better in a guy. However this only works with a still picture; what makes a face really interesting is the personality that animates it. Thus for example someone like Ian Curtis of Joy Division was incredibly interesting in the way his face and body move. Check him dance, and check his face as he sings the last verse

    (Ignore the first 10 seconds of some boring poet guy).

  26. Only ugly people are hoping that ugliness is interesting.

  27. People in the middle actually. Because there is no real beauty or real ugliness. Because ugliness is not in a mirror, ugliness is cruelty, meanness of spirt, or greed, you can be the most beautiful, but one of those qualities turns you ugly.

  28. im drawn to a bit of darkness on the inside....  "ugliness" to some people i suppose.

  29. ill choose ugliness cuz it's special :D

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