
Which do you find you stay on more? Y!A or Myspace?

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Which do you have more contacts on?




  1. MYSPACE :)

    Love It X :P

  2. Y!A i kinda hate myspace!

  3. Y!A

  4. definitaly yahoo

  5. Definitely yahoo!

  6. ♠╬★╬★╬★╬★╬★╬★╬★╬★╬★╬★╬★╬★╬★╬★╬★╬♠

    Y!A..I dun use Myspace !


  7. no doubt yahoo

  8. Yahoo ! Answers.

  9. Yahoo!Answers I spend way more time on then on myspace.

    As to the next question, I have more contacts on myspace then Y!A.


  10. defnitely yahoo

  11. i just did a myspace page but i think i will be here more.

  12. myspace recently :)

  13. Y!A, i dont have a myspace page!

  14. Yahoo....for sure!

  15. absolutley myspace.

  16. Y!A...I really have no use for My Space (except when someone sends me photos).  I don't have a whole lot of contacts in any one place...I've found it's a bit safer keeping each site's contacts on the smaller side.

  17. Im on myspace at home because i dont get it here

    but i have way more contacts on myspace:/

  18. Yahoo!Answers, By Far...!!

  19. Myyyyyysssssspppaaccee!!!

    Though it gets really  boring sometimes when theres nothing to do!

    though yahoo is reeeeaalllyy helpful but its not really a thing you stay on for long you know?

    i find it as a thing i bop onto time to time

    and when im bored i love answering questions (:

  20. Y/A. i dont really use my myspace acct much.  I probably have 3 people on it.  i set it up and i never went back.  i am always here though.

  21. I don't have a Myspace but y/a is really addictive and i have a lot contacts :)  

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