
Which do you like better, skiing or snowboarding?

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now im a skiier, but im not going to brag how skiing is better and all of that, i just want to know what you guys think. to be honest, there both great winter sports, there both challenging and fun, so no matter what you like, dont trash talk the other.




  1. Skiing it is more challenging and better excersize.

  2. I like snowboarding better. It was a little bit hard for me to slow down and stop on skis.

  3. I'm a skiier and have not tried snowboarding, nor do I want to try it.  Just from watching snowboards on the slopes skiing appears to me to be the "best".

    I see snowboarders on the slopes and they are either making long sweeping turns or sitting on their butt sliding down the hill.  Boards seem to be "one dimentional" on the slopes; no ability to do more than long sweeping turns.  However, snowboards look to be the most fun in half-pipes and parks.

    On skis I can do moguls, glades, short radius turns, fast cruiser, steep stuff, ski ice, powder, etc.  I think skiing is more fun because of the variety of terrain and conditions I can explore.  I see boards in these conditions, but they look like their struggling.  

    I think learning to ski well is harder and takes longer than riding well.  This may be one reason that snowboarding has been so popular - an instant gratification thing.

    I agree with you - skiing or riding what ever makes your boat float - it's great just to get outside and enjoy yourself.

  4. I like skiing better.  I am still trying to master snow boarding though.  It looks like it would be great, but I haven't goten it down yet, so I like skiing better for now.

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