
Which do you like better? Best Buy or Circuit City? ?

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  1. neither!

    they are both over priced

    tech support is manned by morons

    sales people are brain dead.

  2. I've always liked circuit city, however, Best Buy will deffinately have more to choose from. If you know what you want or need to ask a specific question, I would suggest Circuit City. If you are not sure, then I would recommend Best Buy, They will have more variety and be able to point you where you want.

  3. I have to agree with Bob B, technically they both suck

    When I was in my local vocational school, my networking instructor used the saying "Don't buy computers (or computer parts or other electronics for that matter) from a store that also sells washers and dryers", as these businesses are known to hire people that know squat about anything

    Now of course we all know that Circuit City doesn't sell washers and dryers, and their staff knows at least something, but still, chances are they are not tested and proved to know what they should in suggesting a good product, Best Buy on the other hand does sell washers and dryers, along with refrigerators, vacuum cleaners, and car audio systems, and both Best Buy and Circuit City staff are told not to sell a good quality item, but instead the opposite, something expensive and usually low quality, which makes you come back in to pay for repairs or replacements, therefore making more money, or to make a lot of money at once

    I trust Micro Center, they sell strictly computer and game console products, have trained staff that know what they are talking about, and suggest products that last, and when they repair computers, they repair any computer, even if you didn't buy it from them, or bought a product you want installed from a different store, and tehy install it professionally

    For movies and software (and other things), I tend to go to Best Buy because it's closer to me, and I have the experience, so I don't need to ask questions anyway, I do prefer Circuit City over Best Buy though

  4. Best Buy has been more helpful than Circuit City every time I've gone in.  I think they have more staff available and a better knowledge of their products from what I can tell.

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