
Which do you most look forward to this time of year..........?

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college football on saturdays or NFL football on sundays?




  1. NFL.. by alot.

    I like college, and I try to follow it.. but its difficult. Too many teams, and too few teams that actually have a chance of winning it all.

  2. Not to begrudge college ball, I'm just a huge NFL fan!


  3. Yes.

  4. NFL on sundays

  5. The NFL is my favorite of all sports, but college football is definitely second.

  6. NFL.  College is stupid.

  7. food, no s*x,

    there is no way I can choose between food and s*x.

    there is no way I can choose between College Saturday and NFL Sunday.


  8. NFL by far, but then again, there's nothing like a Saturday afternoon that preps you for NFL Sunday

  9. NFL go bears!!!!

  10. NFL.

  11. NFL... but college is VERY close 2nd

  12. NFL, BABY !!!!!!

  13. both.  college football because it is so unpredictable, and the nfl, well that is self-explanatory.  

  14. both

  15. College Football because they play harder and haven't made it to the NFL.  

    Right now with the NFL I just follow some of the good players, but other then that I don't like it.  They don't play as hard, and some of them or to busy going out and doing stupidings.  90% of the NFL is good just that 10% that makes me hate it!  

    The passion of college football is a little more alive from what I see too.  Not saying that NFL out in Oakland or some were else is alive too, just from my stand point, Falcons....come on!  That is who i get to deal with year in and out.

  16. College football for me.  Does not seem as dull to me as watching the NFL.

  17. NFL I'm lucky I can follow most of whats going in that, never mind College I'd be soooo lost lol

  18. NFL on Sundays....especially since we have sunday ticket now!

    But I will say I do like watching College Ball too.


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