
Which do you personally prefer, LCD or Plasma TVs?

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  1. lcd is better, plasma screens only last a few years

  2. I prefer LCDs over plasmas. Plasmas dont last as long and have that stupid burn in effect. I go for quality not price.

  3. I really don't have a personal preference on either of the two because they each have pros and cons over each other. Plasma Tvs are generally able to product deeper blacks, offer better viewing angles, and are slightly better for viewing movies. One downside to Plasma Tvs are that they are susceptible to "burn-in". LCD Tvs are more commonly used for gaming, viewing still-images, and does not have screen glare. A LCD tv will not have image "burn-in" like the Plasma but there is always the possibility of "Image Retention" which isn't permanent like "burn-in". In addition, with a LCD Tv is makes it possible to use it as a computer monitor.

  4. I can't believe i actually saw the term "laser color display" please people, do not drink and then give advice. lcd is not laser color display, in fact there are no lasers in either technology. lcd is liquid crystal diode. 2nd let me address the whole plasma can't do 120hz thing cause in know that many people seem to be getting caught up in this whole zombie 120hz effect, lol..  plasmas don't do 120hz cause they do not operate the same as lcds. an lcd is very much like a grid of tiny lights that uses shutters to allow or disallow light to pass. a plasma is made up of 8-12 layers that rotate like a revolver when it comes to light admittence.. instead of open or close you get light passing on layer 1 and 3 for darker scenes for example. so if you get technical, a plasma is 480hz.. 60fps times 8 layers. what does all this c**p mean? simply this

    On a 1080P screen an image in motion on

    60hz lcd will capture and show around 330 lines in motion

    120hz lcd will show about 660 lines of the 1080 in motion

    60hz(480hz) plasma will show 900 lines or more in motion

    start here, if you watch sports or fast action and can control your room light, go plasma( MOST plasma now use very nice anti-glare coating)

    if you are interested in using as a pc monitor or like a bight picture rather than deeper color or have considerable direct light, go lcd

  5. LCD

  6. plasma tv, thin is the new thing

  7. LCD way better trust me.... resolutions and other things laser color display.... theres so Many Other Factors

  8. As an owner of both an LCD and Plasma...I like my LCD much better. I HATE REFLECTIONS and glares, and my plasma is plagued by them. Also, the room that has the plasma after about an hour or two of viewing, you can notice the heat the tv gives off. MY LCD is 120hz and makes my Blu-ray movies look amazing...while plasmas aren't capable of 120hz... Oh and by the LCD is actually THINNER than my do your research bud :)

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