
Which do you prefer , Nichole Saba or Rezan Maghrabi ?

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these two actresses are more or less of similar status .

if you make a choice , which one is better in looks and performance ?




  1. I like them both! i like the whole its my life I'll do what I want attitude they both carry around and show off on every chance they get.. like the positive fun vibe they give.. their songs are fun and catchy, their acting isnt the worst out there...

    I've been told I have the same attitude so maybe thats why I like them! Bottom like.. I'd like to see them both make new stuff.. movies or songs.. plus they're both very good looking.. I know ya'll will say its artificial or what not but at the end of the day they look lovely and dress good so.. and I say that in a very straight way : )

    EDIT: to the person above me.. there are alot of crappy american songs as well.. most p***y cat dolls' songs are c**p with a capital C.. most rap/hip hop songs are c**p.. if you're so upset about el 3enab how could you stand a whole song about drugs and pus*y? isnt that what they ever seem to sing about..? there are crappy songs and movies in every culture.. maybe its just your taste.. you might not prefer eastern tunes but that doesnt mean its because they're bad.. it could be only your preference..

    A late but much needed EDIT: its funny how you always find a way to twist words and typos to suit your interesting obsessed with one subject head Hatem.. ; )

  2. hifaa is better than both of them

  3. Nicole Saba is prettier, she's taller and have a nice body although her voice sounds funny when she talks, Razan is nice looking too but she is slightly fake in attitude. i prefer Nicole.

  4. Neither they are Fake !!!

  5. did u call them actresses ?? well , they r not .. i hate both of them  

  6. Yes, they do look alike because of all the plastic surgery. I like neither.

  7. To be honest they both suck. I actually stopped listening to arabic music because they are all repeated and are always about love and the same words. When i listen to english i find that every song has its own meaning and somehow special from other songs. It is still my opinion so you know.

  8. they both suck

  9. They both suck :)

    I hated Rezan more when she married the baby Abbas Ibrahim :D

  10. neither, both are really c**p.

    what is interesting that most answers said the same thing and they still insist they are famous and "beautiful".. the same thing is "haifaa" she is so so fake.. and very immature and very superficial

    all because of the fake propaganda that follows them all.. all are paid not real fame..

    all of them looks like plastic dolls, no life

  11. Whatever

    @JWL: was that "Bottom line"?? coz "Bottom like" is a totally different meaning... btw I like your edit

    One subject?? Naaaaa.. I'm full of ideas.. interesting ideas

  12. srry for the lang.   bt both of them r c**p!!!

    when i  listen to english songs, i find myself ashamed of egyptians , ashamed that pple go around repeatin some words that have no linking to each other nd sayin "OH MY GOD HAVE U HEARD HAMAKI'S LAST ALBUM   WOOW"

    am ashamed how egyptian singers call themselves artists!!!!

    wht kind of song would say  

    "el 3enab el 3enab el 3enab. A7mar a7'dar asfar......"

    huh WTF!!!)

    I seriously stopped listenin to arabic music since i was like 9  cause when i heard wht music really is , i couldnt bt stop myself from listening to the c**p egyptians call music!!!!!

    edition: to the person below me , maybe ur right about crappy thing in evry culture bt i find the egyptian's crappy stuff worse..

    anyway ikno that evryone has a taste in music bt i was jst statin my opinion nd tryin to tell u guys that if u think out side the box , ull find that music is much deeper than 3mr diab nd.....................(plz dnt consider anyword i said as an offense)

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