
Which do you prefer? Cd's, tapes, records, or Mp3?

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quick poll, which do you prefer?

Cd's, you can buy from almost anywhere.

Tapes, not that great in my opinion.

Records, hardly make them anymore.

Or mp3's like ipods, phone mp3, things like that.




  1. CDs.  Mp3 players are convenient, but I still like CDs.

  2. I've used basically everything.

    Digital compressed: MP3s are convienent and nearly transparent. Couldn't live without

    Vinyl: I enjoy their inaccuracies, but it's a pain having to wash discs, check tracking, and fret that something's wrong when the thing skips

    Cassettes: I have hundreds, why I don't know. Store-bought ones were usually just made with cheap ferric bulk tape dubbed in loop bins. Doesn't sound great at all. Time leads to further HF loss and pressure pads falling off. Plus, they drop out so much; hard to listen to with headphones, even. The decks seem to break down a lot, too.

    Reel 2 reel: Sticky shed! The players are pretty finnicky after thirty years, too.

    Compact Discs: Perfect yet perfectly sterile. They just work, and at some level, that dissapoints.

    8 track: They usually sound wretched, the victims of hot cars and magnetization. Pretty reliable aside from dragging, though. It was only the really cheap decks that had all the trouble with matchbooks and the like.

  3. It depends what you mean. If you are talking about quality the Vinyl and/or CD. For portability then MP3

    The higher the quality the better and generally Vinyl and CD (not copied ones) will give you uncompressed bitrate but are bigger files when put on to computers (in the original form). MP3 although great for there ease of use suck most of the time as people compress the c**p out of them and make them sound horrible by compressing them into MP3's for there iPod

  4. In Canada, tapes are harder to find than records. I like having a physical copy of music most of the time, so CDs are good if I really like the artist, an MP3 helps me decide if I want the full album.

  5. mp3 hands down, u can put like 20,000 plus songs in some ipods and the ipods can be small. plus when buying mp3's (or downloading) u can get the songs u like and not have to buy the whole CD..........

  6. ipods of course :D

  7. Mp3.  They can store more music and pictures and movies.  Most of the time they are free like Limewire.  So get Mp3 (get iTouch or iPhone. I have one and they are so awesome!)

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