
Which do you prefer? Circumcised or Uncircumcised?

by  |  earlier

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I'm just curious as to what girls find more attractive. I'm uncircumcised and I'm afraid to reveal that fact in the fear that I could be made fun of.




  1. I prefer it with f******n, it's normal and everything's there! Without f******n looks a bit weirder...because part is missing. And you can't do the fun f******n-sliding stuff. You'll find some people from the USA prefer circumcised, just because they're used to it and believe myths about the f******n being dirty, but most girls don't really mind in a relationship unless they're really shallow.


  2. uncircumsized is the best i love it wow

  3. Having experienced both, I much prefer uncircumcised now.

  4. Cirumcised for me, definitey!

  5. Captain Cracker, who told u that its only jews who circumcise their *****?? many religions do that, and many people do it for the sake of hygiene! I think its disgusting to be uncircumcised! but then some girls like it i guess! :s

    and i think its less fun for the guy! the best part is the tip!! lol why do u need it covered!! lol =)

  6. i prefer circumcised. thats just because its what i was introduced to though probably, and i havent seen the latter

    but still, i stand by it

  7. Alright buddy, here's the truth for americans.  For one thing consider yourself lucky because you and your gf will both have more pleasure.  The drawback is, in america a lot of chicks prefer a jew d**k because that's what they're used to seeing.  Anywhere else in the world, except for israel people will laugh at you for having a circumcised d**k.  Did you know that there was a some child molester rabbi way back in the day, that came up with the sick twisted idea of mutilating little boys?

  8. I actually prefer uncircumcised.

    Natural is far better, and I have had both varieties.

  9. I'm uncircumcised and never had any complaints. By the time a girl gets THAT intimate with you she is hardly going to dump you just because you've got a whole, natural p***s.

    If a girl judges you based on your circumcision status she is shallow and immature and not worth your time or effort.

  10. Dude i am also uncut and i dont tell my parnters anything because it is none of thier busness if i am cut or not. Only when we are going to have s*x they find out and i make it totally worth thier while so that they have no complaints about having s*x with a uncut guy. Make sure you keep it clean so it doesnt stink she will have no reason not to like it. dude when i was in school word got out from the other dudes inthe lockerroom that i was uncut a few chicks were curious and ask me about it straight out one wanted to see it so i showed it to her. dude never be ashamed of what you have or your body it is yours be proud of what you got


  11. With the f******n  

  12. Circumcision for more hygene purpose.

  13. Definitely circumcised. Uncircumcised males have a f******n and underneath f******n there is an accumulation of smegma that is smelly and makes the male prone to infections.

  14. circumcised, it looks better and feels better.

  15. circumcised fer sure.

    not as scary.

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