
Which do you prefer Union or League?

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Mine is Union free flowing and competion for the ball at every berakdown




  1. Union is much better than league for the same reason you like it. There's also a lot more global competition in Union. In League, only Australia, New Zealand and England are any good and Australia keeps winning so i'm sick of it.

    Go All Blacks

  2. union is better for internationals(sometimes)but free flowing????the ball gets kicked out of touch every other play,and if it doesn"t it"s like watching a game of kick it to me then i"ll kick it back to kick it to me then i"ll kick it back to you...this is normally 70% of the game.league is far better at club level.whether your attacking or defending,you"ve got to be alert for the full 80 minutes.also it"s more entertaining as there"s more trys scored in league rather than going for the easy option boring goal in union...

  3. Union by a country mile, League has no rucking so it's for soft shites who are scared of getting raked.

  4. Union

  5. If you're a thinking person, like me, you'll naturally prefer Rugby.

    League was invented in 1908 for those who couldn't understand the laws of Rugby, and wanted something that a simple mind could latch onto.

  6. union is the best.league is just stop start stop start

  7. has to be league

    union stop start can't see the ball unless its being kicked to slow to many break downs and so many penaltys to count

    rucking ! all pile on and lets see what damage we can inflict in a gang ! a thugs game played by gentlemen

    league has more country's playing all the time and australia have not won all the time so why bring up that old chestnut ? ah because you have heard some one else say it ! try looking back to the tri nations where new zealand won

    there are three or four teams that could win the league world cup or the league in the own national comp

    this can be said of any sport including union wendy ball or polo

    i prefer a game where the pace is fast, free flowing massive hits and SKILL is in abundance

    you hear the union media waxing lyricly about a free flowing passing move from a welsh team in the 70's every year as though thats the holy grail of international union

    you get that in every club game of league even in the amatuer set up

    as for sizes international union is bigger ( for now )

    club games league are bigger

  8. Union by a long chalk.  I find League quite tedious to watch.

  9. I prefer watching Union, though both are great games. I don't go down the line of deriding another fans sport saying it's not good, slower etc - the games are different and can't be compared.

  10. Union is much better. Although a good St Helens versus Leeds Rhinos isnt a bad game to watch.

  11. Union is a much more complexed game than league and as such you have to have brains to play Union because it's a fast paced game with rolling mauls , breakdown and set pieces , structured line outs and scrums. League is a simple game with less rules to get penalised on and it gets a bit boring when the game keeps on stopping so that the tackled ball carrier can play the ball again. Almost as boring as american gridiron he,he,he,heee!

  12. Union - caters for all shapes and sizes with the positions.  There is competition for the ball at the breakdown and as a former forward the lineouts and scrums appeal!

    Sadly rugby league is becoming a land of giants of nearly equal stature! They all run around far too much, and don't get nearly as many breaks in play!

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