
Which do you prefer cats or dogs? and Why?

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  1. cats. Because I grew up with cats and I feel it is almost my duty. No because cats are better, they are cuddly and sweet.

  2. Cats but I acknowledge both as fur people,

    Cats do not have be walked..which is a good thing for me.  I have five.  They infuriate me, make me laugh..   One of them has been on Yahoo Answers because she was wanting to say hey to everyone.  Wouldn't get off the keyboard until I wrote that she wanted to say hey.  

    Wonderful creatures,  a house is not home with out a dog or cat.

  3. least some of them have a purpose.

  4. dogs because for the most part, they are more friendly and want to be bothered with. cats don't really like to be bothered and like to do their own thing.

  5. Dogs, because you can take them out for walks and to play, whereas cats you can cuddle with but other than that they just sit around. I prefer dogs.

  6. Well both are good for difeerent things:

    Cat's are there to be lazy AND adorable, my friend has 3 and i love them to death :)

    Dogs are a persons Best riend, so i am told, my other friend has  a miniture pincer and it is sooo hyper but fun to play with

  7. doggggiess !

    cause i never liked cats

    i dont know why but i still dont

  8. I perfer dogs better there active and u can do more thing with them not with cats.

    P.S. if u get a dog get a small 1

  9. both, i love all animals

  10. dogs because threre more loveable dont get me wrong i love cats too but dogs you can talk too they understand you and they love too play.

  11. I prefer cats

    they are alot cleaner then dogs, less maintance.

    They also dont need to go outside to do wee wee's

  12. Dogs - a) Im allergic to cats, b) they say that people who like cats are selfish (no offence!).

  13. Dogs.  They get more excited to see you, and the larger breeds are good for safety purposes.

  14. Cats.

    I have 2 kids, and I just keep reading all of these horrible stories about dogs attacking children.  And not just one specific breed, from what I read, any dog is capable of doing it.  With no warning.

  15. And this is in the pregnancy and parenting section why?

  16. dogs because u can teach them kool stuff, and play with them ,and treat them like a human but cats are lazy all they do is walk around,mess up ur funiture,and sleep they suck

    dogs rule

  17. dogs.they r more loyal and loving.a man's best friend.i like cats too but i like dogs better

  18. well i do like both, when i was small i use to have like 5 cats, vey nice very loving, for some reason i am very allergic to cats now, i have a dog, but i also think its better to have a dog, i have a little pitt, he is 3 months old, we have always had pets in the family but i have never had my own, i live im my own apt. and having your own pet is kind of cool. i do prefer dogs. ; )

  19. dogs, they are very playful all through life, they are lovely, affectionate and love cuddles, they miss you when your gone and care that you come back, you can take them on walks. cats are nice but they aren't as affectionate as dogs, they come to you when they want to, not when you ask and they are definitely not as playful when they get past the kitten stage.

  20. cats

    I like cats because they dont need as much attention and they can be very lovey. Plus they have cool personalitys

  21. oooooooooooooh...both

  22. Cats, they do their business in a cat box, dogs do it anywhere they feel like it.

  23. Cats!

    I love my kitty...despite how fat she is...

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