
Which do you prefer - pool or snooker?

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  1. Pool

    Snooker offers no challenge like Matt said our freind got it 100% backwards sll you have to do is make balls straight in you hardly ever see even a 1 cushion bank shot never mind any real skill shot--yeah yeah smaller pockets -bigger tables yada yada if you can shoot you can shoot-you can adjust in less than a rack

    I could go on all day but my opinion is well known

    Ask Ronnie O how he likes pool I dont think he beat anybody while he was here

  2. pool. i am rubbish at snooker.

  3. Oh snooker   Not keen on pool   And does nobody play billiards now?

  4. I dont really know the difference between the 2.

  5. Pool is a past time. Snooker is a thinking mans game.

    If pool was a board game it would be Draughts, and Snooker would be Chess.

    I prefer to play Snooker in a quiet hall to unwind after a hard day at work.

  6. Pool, remembering which ball goes first, second and so forth in snooker is too much for me.

  7. Love pool, 8, ball, and 9 ball, I have also played 14-1, straight pool, and some one pocket. one of the hardest games!. I love 8 ball, or pool overall, because it is exciting, I love to be on stroke, and make people go wow!.

    I just love the feeling I get!, and the peoples reaction to a great game!.

    EDIT- to the snooker man with the hat, try some exciting bar room pool, with all the noise, the women, the smoke, and You can go shoot your bull in some quite pub!!.

    Do youself a favor though, don't go in that bar talking that bull!.

  8. I think Richmeister got it exactly backwards. Snooker is a shotmakering game, and not much more. Pool is all about strategy.

    Anyway, I prefer pool, both because it's a more interesting game, and because very few people play snooker around here. I enjoy snooker too, but if I had to give up one or the other for the rest of my life, it would be snooker.

  9. I prefer playing pool (ecause its easy) and watching snooker!

  10. i love snooker...i started this game since i'm 11 yewrs old....

  11. POOL!!! cos its easyer then snooker i can never get over the table in pool never mind snooker

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