
Which do you prefer to order for take away?

by Guest10663  |  earlier

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Which do you prefer to order for take away?




  1. Chinese

  2. Chicago Joe's Pizza & Pub or KFC.

  3. to order defenitely.  The food is prepared how it is supposty to be eaten and it's warm!

  4. Pizza and chinese

  5. any kind of pasta its easy to reheat if for some reason it gets cool on the way home that way you are still getting a hot meal

  6. Definitely BBQ

  7. I usually order Chinese, BBQ, or sometimes huge lumps or earwax

  8. We usually get fast food to go

  9. chinese take out is the best. shrimp fried rice and egg foo young . yummy! :)

  10. fast food I like to eat at home and if it's a nice restaurant than I prefer to sit and talk to people while I eat.

  11. raw ingredients to bring home and cook.....haha..... i always prefer to eat at the store itself.

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