
Which do you think I should do?

by Guest10982  |  earlier

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I'm going into 7th grade and I have a lot of supplies. But I'm wondering if I should bring everything the first day or if I should bring half the first day and the rest the second day. Which should I do?




  1. The first day bring paper,binder, and pen/pencils.

    Usually the first day is when they go over school/class rules and all that boring garbage.

  2. u usually dont need everything on the first day.

    you can bring it all so u can put it in ur locker.

    or just put a few things u know u will in ur back pack.

    for the first day just a notebook and pen will do!

    have fun!

  3. well, on the first day there is nothing great that u have to do. So, take only minimal things. As the days pass, u can take ur all supplies.  

  4. just bring it all so you won't be unprepared  

  5. I think is easier to bring half your stuff the first day and the rest the second.

    With my first day of school I brought everything the first day and left some stuff at school, then brought the rest the next days.

    Still, if you're going to a new school, or if you are unsure, I think bringing your stuff little by little is better.

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