
Which do you think are the three worst personality disorders?

by Guest62060  |  earlier

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I've been doing some personality disorder tests and wasn't all that happy with the results I got.. Anyway, which three personality disorders do you think are the worst?

( <- a link for those who feel like answering this question but don't know the disorders)




  1. (1) Antisocial, hands down. It&#039;s a dangerous disorder because of the likelihood of the individual having troubles with the law.

    (2) Schizotypal because of the rapid deterioration in an individual&#039;s mind, personality, and character. It&#039;s heart-breaking watching a person go from &quot;normal&quot; to almost absent. Easy to diagnose, difficult to successfully treat. And very frightening for the individual.

    And more of a personal opinion, (3)histrionics really irritate me...everything they do is negative attention-seeking (superficial self-harm, disruptions, lying, drama, drama, drama.)

  2. narcissistic - pity the people in their family

    body dysmorphic - I feel for these folks. They suffer so.

    OCD - again, a lot of suffering.  

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