
Which do you think is easier- Knitting or Crocheting?

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I was thinking of learning a craft and maybe making a scarf or hat in the future. I don't know much about either so what do you think I should go with? I know each has it's own way of starting a project but I don't know if one is easier than another.

Any input would be appreciated.




  1. Hi, I think crocheting a scarf is easier for your first project. You're only using one hook, with knitting you have to worry about 2 needles.

    The first project I made was a pink, crocheted scarf.

    You can always graduate to knitting when you get comfortable with crocheting.

    Hope this helps!

    Good luck!

  2. I would say that knitting is eisier to learn.

  3. I think some people just pick up one or the other easier.  My mother has always found crochet easier, even though she's very good at both.  I personally prefer to knit, but I do both too.  

    With crochet there are more stitches to learn and I always find I have to refresh my memory on what they are after a long hiatus from crochet.  With knitting, I don't have that problem.

    However, with knitting you need to worry more about losing stitches, with crochet, once they're made, they're safe.  If your hook slips, it's easy to pick up that stitch, with knitting, if your needles slip and you make a sudden move, you're possibly looking at a major mistake.  

    I can do knitting blind (in the dark or while watching tv) because you can feel on the needles where your next stitch is.  With crochet, you always have to look at your work to see where you're putting your hook.

    Beginning Crocheters usually find their stitches are too loose.  Beginning Knitters usually find their stitches too tight.

    I like knitting for socks, mitts, scarfs, hats, sweaters, preemie gowns to donate to hospitals, & slippers....I think it's pretty when you get into the more advanced stitches, and knit things look like they were bought in a store.  Knitting takes more time, but the end product is well worth it in my eyes.

    I like crochet for Xmas decorations, stockings, afghans, tree skirts, baby's easy to get a delicate look with simple stitches and it's faster than knitting but it lacks the style that I prefer for clothing.  

    I suggest trying both and seeing what YOU feel more comfortable with.

  4. well i learned how to knit in F.A.C.S. class in 8th grade. yes i am a guy and personally it's not that hard. however crochet usually uses some sort of form to weave in and out of. personally knitting makes you look smarter :) have fun!!!

  5. I would suggest trying both.  Because different people have found one is easier than the other.

  6. Most (not all, but definitely most) folks find easiest the one they learned first.  Both crafts are about the same difficulty to learn as well as to master.  I do both, and find it helpful to know both.  I crochet borders on my knitting projects, and sometimes knit around the edges of my crochet projects.  I'd recommend trying both, making a project in both, and then deciding.  Crochet your hat and knit your scarf.  Both crafts have strengths.  A knit scarf and a crocheted hat will expose you to the strengths of each craft.

  7. Hi, I think normal is easy to learn to knitt but for me is more easy to crochet. My mother teached me to crochet when I was 9-10years old and to say the truth I hated from the begining but now I like very much to crochet. Sometime I begin a project to knitt and after a bit of work I convert it in crocheting.

      Now this is you who can decide which one do you want to learn. But I think crocheting is the better one. Even you will learn it not quick but are more variations of designs and is more fun( for me is so). Or you can learn to do both after this you will see what to do more.

      Good luck.

  8. DEFINITELY crocheting!

    I have been knitting since i was 8 years old and i am now 'averagely' good at it. I have been crocheting for a year and have pretty much mastered it.

    It takes a LOT of practice and time in knitting to get your tension right.... and untill you get that right, you can knit a whole project without a mistake but it will still look amateurish and ugly.

    Crocheting is much harder to make mistakes, and much less frustrating to fix than knitting when you DO make mistakes..... there are sooooo many stiches to pick up when undoing knitting, and i have very oftn been driven to tears or had to undo a very large amount of my work in order to fix a knitting mistake.

    crochet you simply undo it to the desired point and have only ONE stich to pick up, you can begin again stright away.

    I also think that for beginners, crochet is faster. You will have your scarf finished in less time, and that is very satisfying when you are learning. When you first try soemthing it is nice to be able to see your results and what you have achieved, this is much quicker in crochet than in knitting.

    I really love knitting, but i think that crochet is much easier and faster to learn, and would be more satisfying for a beginner.

  9. knitting

  10. I would say that knitting is the easiest one to learn. im left handed and ive found knitting really easy to learn, whereas i still cant get crochet at all.

  11. They're both fairly easy but I find that I can do a LOT more with knitting.

  12. I would say crochet. It's a little more forgiving then knitting.  With knitting, you have live stitches on the needle at all times until you cast off.  With crocheting, you can stop in mid-stitch and not have to worry about stitches coming off a needle.  But, be careful not to let your working yarn get pulled, then out comes stitches.  I'd give crocheting a try first, then learn to knit.  No one said you can't do both! ;-)

  13. Most people will agree that knitting is easier, however, I can't knit worth a darn, but my crochet has won first prizes time and time again in competitions.  I have also crocheted professionally.  All I can advise you, is to try both and discover for yourself which one is easier for you.  Obviously, I would say that crochet is easier and I wish I could knit better.

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