
Which do you think is harder to ween a child off of -a dummy (pacifier) or thumb sucking?

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Which do you think is harder to ween a child off of -a dummy (pacifier) or thumb sucking?




  1. I have only had experience teaching my child not to suck their fingers. They were done with sucking their thumb or fingers around 12-14 months. Considering how long I see my children's peers using a pacifier, (I see many 3 year olds with one around here), I would assume thumb sucking to be easier to wean. However, they can both be weaned easily with diligence on the parent's behalf. So choose whichever you prefer. I personally prefer the natural thumb sucking, mostly because it costs $0.

  2. thumb sucking, because you can't take the child's thumb away (like you can a pacifier)

  3. I would say a pacifier because you can take them away, however you can't take their thumbs away, haha.

  4. Definitely thumb sucking because you can't really take it away or ween. It is always there for your child to put in his/her mouth.

  5. thumb sucking is the hardest to ween off of. pacifiers you can take away. if you need to take away thumb sucking, try the non-toxic ointment that adds a horrible taste to the little ones thumb... worked for me ;D

  6. The thumb! You can just throw away the pacifier but the thumb is permanent! :)

  7. thumbsucking is harder to wean obviously because you can take a pacifier away (even though some parents are weak and don't), but you cannot take a thumb/fingers away or control when they have them.

    I have had both. I have 4 boys. 3 of them had pacifiers and one sucked his fingers. I took all the pacifiers away by age 1. My finger sucker sucked his fingers until he was 7. it was very hard to break that habit. The pacifier was easy as pie, just take it away. It's common sense really.

  8. cant take it away and reduce temptation!!!

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