
Which do you think is more acurate and tactic in a Dogfight?F14 or F16?

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I think that the F16 is better because of its manoeuvrability.The F14 is a litle slow in a close combat with the F16.The AIM54 is a long range AAM.In a close combat,the Sidewinder,Sparrow and Amrram are more efective as they turn qickly and faster.Also the electronic system of an F16 is more effective as they are newer than the old F14's one.But still the F14 is my favorite.I think its pretyer and a veteran with more kills than the F16.

What do you think?




  1. i love the f-14 too and really an honest answer the f-14 would blow up the f-16 before it even gets a chance to come within 80 miles of an f-14 because of an f-14s Phoenix missiles yes the f-14s technology is old but man can it still take out a target from far away

  2. F-16 hands down is more maneuverable the the Tomcat

  3. You already know my answer man. :)

  4. While I too feel the F-14 is cooler; its technology base is really old. With that and the fact the F-16 is much more maneuverable,  I think the F-16 would win (even if they had comparable technology).  


  5. dogfight?

    you need a dog.

    that is sad.....

  6. F-14, though F-16 may be small and more highly manueverable than the Tomcat, it tend to loose energy faster than F-14. In a dogfight, there are several factors that determine who should win, and it was not just manueverability. Some said that F-16's have poor dogfighting capability when in low speed and low altitudes because they loose energy quickly on that situations and even a much bigger and heavier F-111 had manage to slot a Viper just by going low. F-14 may be large and heavy but its also manueverable and does not loose energy fast in turning situations. The person who I think should answer this questions are instructors at Top Gun who have pitted F-16N against the Tomcats.

  7. They're both nice. F22 is much better though. If you want Old School  and rare (only 2 made) the F20 Tiger Shark is still unbeatable in all aspects. It was rejected by the government over political bureaucracy.

  8. Which can fly the slowest?  That's the one I'd want.

  9. The 'Cat might lose in a gunfight, but everwhere else it has the advantage. If guns are not considered, it will be the missiles that decides the battle and the Fighting Falcon has nothing the Tomcat hasnt. And the F-14 has the Phoenix too.

    So it would be a BVR fight and the Tomcats longer ranged weaponry, energy and the two member crew would be the better preference.

    BTW, the Tomcat can use the AMRAAM if required and in fact it was one of the first aircrafts to fine an AMRAAM.

  10. With the F-14 out of service the F-16, but jump back a few years, and I'd say F-14.  The Tomcat has more advantages.  They have an Aviator and WSO, two pair of eyes.  They have the speed if nothing else put it on the deck, break contact and turn back in.  

    The Viper big advantage is the use of AIM-120.  I don't know if the Tomcat was fitted with the AMRAM, but the AIM-120 is a great  air to air missile.

  11. The F-16 is a dogfighter.  It was designed to be one from the initial stages.  The F-14 was designed to be a long range combat air patrol plane that would provide air cover to the fleet.  It's original main weapon was the AIM-54 Phoenix missile system designed to intercept the enemy at LONG range.   Although the F-14 was a wonderful plane, the F-16 should run rings around it in a close encounter.

  12. can getYep. The F-16 is more maneuverable. It's newer too. The problem with the F14 Tomcat is with the cockpit design. It has a wide rim around the HUD that can block the pilot's view, and put it at a disadvantage in dogfighting. The Tomcat's really old, and it's already out of service. The F16 probably have a higher thrust to weight ratio, making it able to accelerate faster, and reduce stalling in high angle of attack turns, meaning the F16 can also fly at very low speeds with a high angle of attack. REMEMBER, in a dogfight whoever can get to the enemy's 6 o'clock probably wins. Therefore, being able to fly and maneuvere at low speeds is a great advantage.

  13. F-14. Yes the F-16 is nice and its all digitally enhanced, but the Tomcat is nearly as maneuverable thanks to the swing wings, has a longer sight range for the kill, AND is better in a vertical dogfight.

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