
Which do you think is more conducive to oppression and fear?

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The ultra-right wing establishment, or the other end of the spectrum which many have referred to as a 'nanny-state'?

What do you think? Pick one and give us some thoughts.




  1. That's Nietzsche's Master / Slave stuff.  The Masters, the ultra-right wing establishment, came up with the phrase "nanny-state" as a way to vilify legal governmental justice system constitutional protections for especially worker's rights, that "liberals" want to "moddle-coddle" people, like, you know, demanding a minimum wage.  The use of the phrase "nanny-state" is like how the same establishment phrased the "dichotomy-of-the-day" in the abortion issue as, "Pro-Life : Anti-Life".  Whereas, that same dichotomy could be phrased as "Anti-Choice : Pro-Choice".  Semantical battles like that are waged all the time.  

    "Nanny state" = humanism / democracy / pluralism / legal protections for human rights, E Pluribus Unum.

    "Ultra-right wing establishment" = fascism, totalitarianism, dominionism, slavery, plunder, In God We Trust.

  2. what is the nanny state am not familiar with this term.

  3. I dont beleive in imagined up this-versus-thatism. Sorry.

  4. Extremism of both colors can limit freedom, i would think nanny state cause big brother is always watching

  5. any names or concepts the right wing places on others are a bunch of cr^p

  6. The nanny-state left-wingers want to oppress us financially by taking away our hard-earned money through taxes and giving it to lazy people who won't get a job and/or use birth control. Sure, "free" healthcare for everyone sounds great, but who's going to pay for it? It's failed abysmally in other countries, whose citizens pay out half of their income in taxes and then have to wait for months for cancer treatments. At least the right-wingers want to lower taxes and let us spend our own money as we see fit.

  7. Blah nailed it.

    They have the same effect on people.

    Makes me wonder why the word moderate seems nonexistent sometimes.

  8. I am a social liberal and fiscal conservative.    

    I think that the ultra -right does want to make social decisions for us.     Look at what happened to s*x-ed for school agers in the past 8 years- you can't get much more nanny than involvement in someones s*x life.

  9. Those aren't opposite ends of the spectrum...they are exactly the same.

    Both of them want to force their morals on society.

  10. Extremes are pretty much always bad - but I think the right wing establishment is stricter about how you live your life (i.e. anti-g*y marriage, etc) although obviously the nanny state does have aspects of that, it's still more about monitoring. I think the former is worse and oppresses people more, but I think both are bad.

  11. As we get closer to the election, the right wing will use the fight against terrorism as a platform. The liberals will try to scare old people by saying the right wing wants to see them eat dog food.

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