
Which do you think is prettier: Paris, London or Rome?

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Which do you think is the prettiest:

- European city?

- American city?

- Asian city?

- African city?

- Australian city?




  1. 1. Rome

    2. European City

  2. -Paris





  3. paris..

    san francisco and LA


    cape town


  4. Those who answer anything other than Rome,simply havent been.

    Londonistan doesnt even appear on my radar.

  5. 1. Rome tie

    1. Paris tie

    2. London

    European city by far

    Asian cities are a cluster of irregular appartment blocks on boring grid patter roads

    African cities are littered with slums and shanty towns and sewerage, well allot of them. minus south africa to an extent.

    Australian cities are pretty much the same as American cities

  6. - European City - London

    - American City - San Diego

    - Asian City - Cebu

    - African City - Cairo

    - Autralian - Melbourne

  7. all those places have their own charm. It simply depends on what you are searching for.

    If you love to walk in the city and discover a new monument in each corner, and get enchanted with all its caotic streets and unique stile go to Rome. If you are searching for something romantic and more melancholic go to Paris and if you are searching for a cosmopolitan- party city go to London.

  8. Rome! even though Paris draws more visitors than any other city in the world.

    As for the prettiest city, I think, in general, a European city would be prettier than an American one or an Asian, African or Australian one.

  9. paris is an amazing city and i think it is the prettiest of them all

    i love London-i'm english



  10. In general, speaking as an American (I mean U.S. American), I would cross out all cities in the U.S. for most beautiful, unless you like suburban sprawl and the same stores and houses and office buildings that you see everywhere.

  11. Paris is beautiful! Rome is really pretty and peaceful. London is very interesting and quiet.

  12. paris

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