
Which do you think is worse, climate change or oceanic stagnation resulting from warming poles?

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They say if the ice melts, the oxygenation of the oceans will come to a halt and they will stagnate and marine life will die off.




  1. JC.W:  Google "thermohaline catastrophe" for details.

  2. "They say if the ice melts, the oxygenation of the oceans will come to a halt and they will stagnate and marine life will die off."

    Who says this?

  3. How exactly does a lack of ice translate into no oxygenation? I am trying to bridge that canyon, but just cant seem to make the jump.

  4. Neither will happen... Does anyone wonder where all this CO2 came from???  You go it... It originally came from the atmosphere!!!  We are simply putting it back where we found it if you ask me...

  5. you know sometimes the govt perpetuates problems to steer your attention away from other things. If it were such a problem why did it get out of hand? why didn't they tell us back when men first walked on the moon? Truth is people may never be fully informed because people dint pay for cable and satellite television to hear about science. they want to see American idol and stuff like that. scientists don't look for fame and glory.That's why we never hear about them or what they've recently discovered.

  6. I think what you mean is ocean acidification, yet one more sign of the thing deniers say there is no evidence for.

    Although not sounding like a big thing, like glaciers crashing into the sea and flooding, this may actually have the biggest effect on us in the long run as it affects the smallest calcium shelled life in the ocean, the base of the food chain.

  7. Are the poles really warming?  I've heard they're going to melt totally by the end of this year.  

    Not only is this idea impossible, it's thoroughly ludicrous.  

    Can't happen.

  8. Climate change is not bad, the climate has always changed.  Remember, they use that term now because global warming stopped a decade ago, so they need to scare us with "Climate Change".

    Don't worry about deoxygenation either.  Nature is a self correcting system.  If there is more CO2 in the oceans, plant life will thrive, creating more O2.  The system will end up in an equilibrium, it always has.

  9. The ice is not melting.  I know , I can see it from here.

    Go worry about something worthwhile.

  10. they are both fictional scenarios, so I don't think too much of them....

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