
Which do you think will be the attitude and policy of Ukraine towards Russia in the near future ?

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Will it join NATO becoming thus one more supportive pile of U.S.A. policy, or will it remain at least neutral?




  1. NATO won't accept Ukraine. We(EU) don't want to get into a war with Russia, because we're not idiots.

  2. Hooker price war with Russia.   The bottom will fall out of the market.  (or maybe the market for bottoms will fall - ha ha).

  3. I think it will eventually pick NATO. The US will put enough pressure on them until they cave in, just like how Poland miraculously finally is going to allow the US to build a military base for nuclear weapons on its soil. So I think Ukraine is in a position to negotiate and try to get the best offer, but will eventually pick Nato.

  4. I hope that finally reason, as well as common traditions and origins will prevail and bring back Ukranians to their real brothers and their real interest.

    Russia must be the altera pars to the U.S.A. absolute and in so many ways sinful dominion.

  5. For Ukraine to be reunited with russia, they would have to forget the genocide (estimates run between 6 and 10 million dead) perpetrated by and denied by the russians.  Even the russian-leaning Donbas voted overwhelmingly in favor of Independence from the evil empire.  I would expect civil war before I'd expect reunification.

    The U-S does not appear to be strong-arming or pressuring Ukraine; but, rather, extending the hand of friendship.  russia does not extend the hand, only the middle finger.

    It is ultimately in Ukraine's best interests (as well as NATO's) for Ukraine to become a member of that organization.

  6. Ukraine should join NATO in secrecy and announce the alliance afterward.

  7. They will bow to Russia and become part of the new empire.

  8. Hard to say.  One thing's for sure; it WILL take a side now that Russia had it's little scuffle down in Georgia.  Whether it gives in to Russian domination or runs to NATO's side to get away from it's abusive daddy, we can't tell yet.

  9. Scared to death.They remember Hungry in 1958

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