
Which do you think will run out first? Oil or Water in the world?

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Just wanna see peoples opinions and ideas regarding the subject.




  1. Probably water, we are not taking care of our water sources and polluting by leaving the trash in our lakes, beaches and rivers... Add the oil spills from the ships and the black waters from the big companies, there you go water will run out first....

  2. There is enough oil in the national reserves to last another 200 years, not to mention what is being drilled for right now in the United States.  There is really no reason for oil to be as high as it is.  It all has to do with politics and a government conspiracy!!!!!  Maybe someday we'll have a president with enough balls to stop the big oil companies from taking advantage of all Americans.!

  3. Oil of course, but the water contamination at levels that would not optimal for human consumption  would create another problem, raise costs to purify this vital liquid.

  4. oil, we have oceans, even if we can't use it...

    Even fresh water... We have a lot more of that....

  5. Water is a renewable resource, oil is not. So we will run out of oil, but we'll never run out of water. However, it is possible that we will experience shortages of water if current population trends continue.

  6. oil for sure. water runs in a cycle oil doesn't

  7. We don't need the added stress of needing either one. Both are naturally replenished, albeit slower than the population and its appetite demand.

    As to every question on this topic, I have to say that the first line of charity to developing nations should be the 12-month birth control injections along with food. More and better food and education should be offered to those who accept the inoculation than those who do not.

    If global numbers return to what nature allowed (by ATTRITION, of course), we'll be infinitely better off. We really shouldn't have fiddled with Mother Nature's plans.


  8. Water, we are not allowed to drill for oil or use biofuels anymore.

  9. Considering that the earth has roughly the same amount of water as it did in the beginning and oil supplies are plummeting, I'm going to have to go with oil.

  10. We will never run out of either.

    When we get down to the last gallons of oil it will be too difficult and expensive to extract profitably, so it will never be pumped.

    75 % of the earths surface is covered by water and we are made up of mostly water, we may have to more thoroughly purify water to drink it in the future but we will never run out of it.

  11. oil i think it could happen in the next 10-15 years if we are not more efficient

  12. Oil.  It can be replaced by fuel cells, bio-diesel, solar, nuclear and other energy sources.

    Water is not being "lost", but is being polluted and re-distributed by climate change.  MOVING water and CLEANING water are both ways of extending the supply.

    Also finding ways to use it more efficiently...drip irrigation, waterless transport of waste, recycling grey water...all help to conserve (and are not really options for oil).

    Neither will run out for years...but will get very expensive as demand exceeds the ready supply.

  13. oil

    theres always being more water created somehow, oil just comes, and we burn it up

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