
Which do you trust more, the House of Lords or the House of Commons?

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Which do you trust more, the House of Lords or the House of Commons?




  1. If you ask me there should be no such thing as the house of lords, or a monarcy, here in britain

  2. The House of Lords, by far.

    The answerer who claimed they are all old and very, very rich men clearly has not studied it.

    It's (on the whole) full of experts, appointed for life, representing professions across the board.

    They are unpaid - they get an attendance allowance of about £80 per day, which, even if they attended every day, would not be much more than £30,000 a year.

    They are much more independent than MPs, as they cannot be bribed or bullied with government positions or losing their seat at a General Election.

    A large chunk are explicitly not associated with any political party.  No single party has a majority in the House of Lords.

    The House of Lords is one of the most active Chambers in the Western World.  It's also the most effective block we have on excessive governmental dominance in the House of Commons.  In the past 10 years, the Government has been defeated once in the Commons.  In the Lords, Government defeats happen on average 40 times a year.

    The Lords considers legislation at a slower and more considered pace than the Commons, and said legislation is subject to much more intelligent and shrewd scrutiny and amendments.  Said amendments are usually accepted by the Commons as being of superior quality to their own scrutiny.

    If the Commons and Lords clash, the Commons has the final say - as is proper being the elected chamber.

    While I am a supporter of the Lords I would also condemn assumptions that all MPs are public schoolboys.  A very large number of MPs have come from disadvantaged or unspectacular backgrounds (David Davis, for example). and such accusations are an example of thoughtless, brainless and lazy stereotyping by those too lazy to check the facts themselves.

  3. from the lesser of two evils i would say the house of lords is better

    it may be that the place is full of old farts who must be homeless because most of them fall asleep on the seats provided however the house of lords is the part of the government which delays bills from the house of commons by kicking them back and they have been responsible for blocking quite a few radical laws. [not enough in my opinion but some is better than none]

  4. if a politician told me sh*t was brown, i wouldn't believe a word of it without checking it against a colour chart.

  5. The old House of Lords before Labour destroyed the upper house for political reasons. It was said that it was the first move towards abolishing another famous house so that one of the Labour politicians could stand for presidency. That's fallen by the wayside now that Blair has got his eyes set on the European Presidency.

  6. house of lords are a bunch of old very,very rich men..i don't trust them. The house of commons is full of a bunch of private schooled boys....I don't trust any.

  7. Neither!

  8. None, they are all loyal to Brussels....

  9. I would say the Lords, as the safe-guards of our rights, until Labour started messing with it, so now they choose who gets in and who doesn't, meaning it's full of a load of Labour cronies...

    And I would say the Commons, because they are chosen by us, but then again it's not like they arn't partial to a bit of spin either....

    So I say we trust neither, as both are going to lie to get their way.

  10. none of them

  11. The party in Government appoint people to the House of Lords . The voters of Britain have had no say in the matter.  

  12. House of Lords by far, they all have a proven track record and have mostly made their fortunes already - they are not there to make money, they are not career politicians out to lie and cheat  people into voting for them and accept massive bungs off their businessmen cronies.

    I don't trust any of the MPs as far as I could throw them.  The House of Commons is full of corruption, lies, greed and deceit.

  13. The more I know about both of them the more I sympathise with Guy Fawkes!

  14. House of LISA

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