
Which do you use????

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Do you use cloth or disposable nappies/diapers?

Why? if you use disposables on your baby is it a lazy thing?




  1. I use cloth diapers because they are so much cheaper, easy on the environment, and my baby has never ever ever had a diaper rash.

    Besides, washing one load of diapers every two days is no extra work.  Oh yeah - And the covers are colorful cute :)

  2. I use disposables because our wash/dryer doesn't work half the time so that would mean using gas to go to a laundry-mat and the closest is about 25 minutes away so I would have to drag the kids down there and be there for about 2 hrs to get diapers washed then come back home and since I don't drive that would mean having someone else drive me there.  I don't think using disposables is lazy just sometimes very necessary.  I mean most daycares won't even let them be used there for sanitary reasons.  

  3. I seriously looked into using cloth diapers before DD was born. I decided on disposables for several reasons and no, I don't think my choice was based on laziness.

    First, we don't have a dryer which influenced my choice. Second, the coth nappies I looked into had a portion that you threw away, which to me, put human waste into our landfills, which is one of the arguments to using cloth nappies - there shouldn't be human waste in landfills, so that argument went out the window.  Next, the amount of water to wash was also an issue.  I do all of our wash after 10:20pm as it uses electricity during a time when most of society isn't using electricity, so it's "green" (it's also cheaper where I live in order to encourage people to do this).  

    I also found disposables that are degradeable plastic.  They're more expensive (and the cost of diapers are, aren't they!), but worth it in my opinion.  

    We live pretty "basic" in the sense that we have a car (a hybrid), but don't use it much.  We both take public transport every day.  I buy and cook all of DD's food.  Most of what I buy is locally grown and all of it is organic.  We recycle extensively and reuse, reuse, reuse and are not huge consumers.  

    I honestly think we live more green than 80% of Americans.  I wish we had the room to garden as I would compost more than I already do, but it's not a choice.  We'll always live in the city, so we make do with what we can do.  I honestly tried making the choice that best suited us and I don't think I made the wrong choice regarding our circumstances.

  4. Did you ask to make yourself feel better? I use disposable, because it never really crossed my mind before I had my son. Technically I could switch, but I don't have a lump sum of money sitting around, so I have to take the ultimately more expensive route.

  5. I USE g diapers they are cloth diapers with a very absorbent disposable liner inside, sometimes the p**p goes of the liner, so you have to wash it but most of the time you just take the liner out, and reuse the diaper. you don't have to wash as often. and the liners disinegrate in 1/4 of the time it takes a diaper to, so they are enviromentally friendly.

  6. I use pampers disposable diapers.  I tried the cloth ones but it seemed to hinder my babies development.  They are much bulkier.  Once I went back to pampers cruisers he could roll and walk/run better.  He started walking at 7.5 months.  The cloth diapers made him waddle when he walked.

  7. i'm using disposable because for now we live in an apartment building and laundry costs $4 a load... its not much for just a load or two, but really anything I can do to cut down on laundry helps alot. My partner works outside and always comes home filthy and my son is mostly finger feeding and gets really dirty. Between that and linens, towels and wash cloths... we do alot of laundry!

  8. I used cloth and a diaper service.  Best of both worlds.  They were able to deliver clean fresh diapers and I didn't have the dread of washing them.  They were washed in very hot water, hotter than I could provide at home.

  9. We use cloth. Cheaper, healthier, cuter, greener. It's a win-win-win-win situation! :)

  10. i use disposable. you may say its good for the eviroment, but think all the water your wasting is that also bad for the eviroment.

  11. I use cloth also and also have an old fashion mother. She offered to pay for a diaper service, who could say no to free diapers? It turns out I do like them better. I have way fewer blow outs and leaks with them.

  12. I use cloth and I love it. Not only is it better for the environment and my budget, it is better for baby's skin. Cloth diapers are more breathable and don't have all of those nasty chemicals up against baby's skin. I do not find it gross or troublesome at all, it really is quite easy once you get the hang of them.

    I honestly will never go back to disposables again, I am addicted to cloth!

    **"all the water your wasting is that also bad for the eviroment."

    The same amount of water used for washing diapers are used for making disposables, if comparing water usage, they are equal. But then disposables use a lot of natural resources, as well as the time they sit in landfills contaminates surrounding water supplies. So if you want to compare water... cloth still comes out on top!

  13. I use disposable diapers and its not because i am lazy, its because i have never even seen what a cloth diaper looks like! i live in canada and a very small town, all babies here (that ive seen) wear disposable ones..i've never even seen a cloth diaper in a store lol

  14. I use disposable. I know I shouldn't and I'm not proud of it.

    It's not even that I'm lazy, the machine does the work, so I don't care about that. The thing is where I live I haven't found the cloth system that I would like to use. Maybe I should do some more serious research online and simply order what I need there. I'd still use disposable ones when going out somewhere though. I guess it's just a lot more convenient.

    Well done on you for using cloth! :)

  15. I use disposable too, (which was not easy being raised around 20 years of cloth diapers) but in this day and age, dealing with getting cloth diapers cleaned is an additional task I can do without- especially as a first time mother to a newborn. don't feel guilty if you decide to use disposable, your using cloth will not alone save the environment.

  16. I use cloth diapers, it's better for my baby and better for the environment.

  17. disposable. i used seventh generation (chlorine free) switched for a while when they leaked, and now am back to them as i realized the leaking was due to ruby needing the next size up sooner than the weight ranges indicate. anyway, we did plenty of research on cloth, and the facility here in our city that provides/cleans them taxes the environment as much as the seventh generation disposables.

    LAZY? um, no. that's nice, though. really.
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