
Which doctor should I go to? I was easily fatigued and a small amount of chest discomfort and breathing?

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difficulty last night when I went to a factory job. The first heavy labor job I've had in some time. I was emptying trash cans. I'm not in shape and my bp tends to run high. I've been taking flouxetine for the past two weeks, and I may have some allergies. I spent most of the night breathing a little heavy. I had some leg cramps and a little heart burn. I don't know if this is something I should go to the emergency room for, a general practitioner, or see the person who perscribed my medication.




  1. The first stage is making your symptoms aware.

    Now, with pain such as yours, you should initially go to your primary care physician. And, should your pan escalate in anytime during the night, DO NOT wait for the morning- call and ambulance.

    The emergency room would be the best place to be with severe chest pains. You're primary care physician would be contacted in time if any further information is required.

    Take all your medication with you so the problem can be dealth with correctly as possibly some medicines should not be mixed.

    All the best!

  2. go to the ER and they will know what to do, or who to consult.

  3. Call your primary and see what they say.  They may want to see you or they may send you to the ER.  In any case you should start there.

  4. Go ahead and go to emergency room-would be the best. I would do it, and they will contact your GP there.

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