
Which document is most important: Declaration of Independance, the Consitution, or the Bill of Rights???

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I know all three documents are very important to our history. In your opinion, which document was the most important? Which one changed the world the most???




  1. Bill of Rights but I agree with you that they are ALL very important and all under attack I might add.

  2. Constitution...we need laws to function as a society, but at the same time we need rights....I'm stuck between the two.

  3. It's like asking what's more important: your knee or your foot.

    Without Declaration of Independence, we'd still be a British colony and would have neither a separate Consitution nor the Bill of Rights.,

    The Bill of Rights is a Consitutional amendment, so it and the Constitution are really one item. Whithout it, there would be Wild West, similar to tribal areas in Pakistan.

    And, likely, without all three, you wouldn't be here asking this question...

  4. They are the documents of the trinity of freedom . Each one needs the other .

  5. The Constitution.  

    Yes, the bill of rights is important BUT it is part and parcel of the constitution AND as recently noted in the Heller decision, the Bill of Rights does NOT give any rights, it gives limitations on government for certain rights which we belive all people to HAVE by virtue of being living human beings.  The constitution was not ratified until the Bill of Rights was added and would not exist without it BUT our rights WOULD!

    The Declaration of independence has no legal power or authority.  It is a nice, historical document.  That is all.  

    I am not sure any of them "changed the world" more than the other.

  6. Bill of Rights.

  7. You wouldn't have had the other two without the Declaration of Independence.

  8. your birth certificate

  9. The bill of rights.

  10. All three.

  11. The bill of rights is a part of the constitution.  There is no accepted scale for guaging the "importance" of a historical document.  The declaration of independence was just the announcement by which some revolutionaries foretold the war for independence.  It has no legal significance.  The constitution set up a new sort of government, different that any other.  It has not been perfect.

  12. The Constitution, including  all of the amendments thereto which are still in effect. That would include the Bill of Rights which is not a separate document but part of that Constitution.

    The reason for the importance of the Constitution can be found in the preamble where it states that the document was created to secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and to our posterity.

    The Declaration of Independence was more influential since it was the first instance where a people asserted that they were in charge, not some king.

  13. I would say the Declaration of Independence.  It led to the first time in which a smaller, less powerful group of people overthrew a large, more powerful group of people.  It also led to other Revolutions around the world, such as the French Revolution.  Additionally, if it was not written, then neither of these other documents would have ever been written.

  14. The Bill of Rights is part of the Constitution. The  answer is the Constitution, the document which established our entire government and the how's, where's, when's and what's and why's of how our government is formed and functions. The Bill of Rights is simply the first 10 amendments to the Constitution itself.

  15. constitution because it sets out all of our laws

    and to bramandu who made the first comment, the bill of rights is in the constitution so.......

  16. The Bill of Rights.  It embodies the specific freedoms we have as citizens and is the basis of much of the law in our country.  

    We couldn't do without any of them but the Bill of Rights is absolutely necessary.

  17. The constitution...the bill of rights are amendments and the declaration of independence is not what the country's laws are based on...

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