
Which does more harm marijuana or alcohol ?

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  1. um alcohol! liver disease, cirrhosis of the liver. maryjane is natural and as much as people claim "its more harmful cus its a gateway drug" it's not rue. Anything can lead to hard core drugs it depends on if the person wants to or not. I smoke all the time and have for years and don't do any other drugs. The only thing the comes with marijuana is some breathing problems if you do it for like years and years but thats just like anything you smoke. If you bake it in special brownies if you're truly concerned about it, it will make it fine.

    I'd also like to add I completely agree with the asker. If you don't know personally about both alcohol and weed don't give an answer. What they teach you in high school health class is not accurate at all. They don't necessarily make you stupid or do stupid things. I get great grades and honestly I'm a pretty big stoner and drink at parties every weekend but it doesn't effect your life negatively unless you let it. And also just because you might not do it and others do don't judge! Honestly it's notlike they're talking about coke addicts. Its weed.

  2. alcohol will eat your liver. marijuana will destroy your lungs and at the same time slowly eat at the back of your thought and also destroy you liver.

    but alcohol is more affective.

  3. i am going to say alcohol. it does a lot of harm to your body and it generally enables people to make stupid decisions. however, marijuana does make you a little more slow and lazy. i myself haven't smoked pot as a pass time but i did do alcohol before... and if you're not careful, you'll s***w up with either one.

  4. alcohol.

    Also, since congress is passing that bill now (I don't remember the link), you won't be arrested for having small quanities of marijuana for "personal use" (mainly because of the HUGE amount of money being spent on arresting people with such small amounts).

    I wouldn't be surprised to one day soon see marijuana legal to use in certain places (like an equalivent of an alcohol bar, or at home).  It would definatly be a huge boost to our economy if the government controlled, tracked, and taxed it.

  5. For a person to use, alcohol can be more harmful.  If you were to compare a moderate drinker (1-2 drinks per day) to marijuana, then marijuana is more harmful.  This is because the alcohol is actually beneficial.  Recall that the mortality rate vs alcohol consumption graph has a J curve.  1-2 drinks is the bottom of the J.  Once you hit 3-4 drinks, alcohol is more harmful than beneficial.  And binging is always a bad thing, but of course if it is infrequent that damage is unlikely to amount to anything.  

    So... if you are talking 1-2 drinks per day, then marijuana is worse for you.  If you're talking 3+ drinks a day, then alcohlo is worse.  Now, even at 1-2 drinks/day, theres the chance that can turn into 3+.

    Consider the other meaning of your question, which I'm not even sure yoeu intended.  Which is worse for society?  Since alcohol is a taxable, legal substance, and marijuana is an untaxed, illegal substance alcohol is a net benefit for the society whereas marijuana is a negative.  Buying more alcohol will give the states more money to fund all our projects with.  Buying more marijuana will give street dealers more money, increase attention by rival gangs and could lead to more violence as demand increases.  IDK which you prefer, construction or street violence?

  6. definitely alcohol....

    the main danger of marijuana is the act of smoking it (particularly if mixed with tobacco)

  7. Alcohol.

    Very rarely does weed cause a death.

    Alcohol causes many every day.

    Also, you can not overdose on weed.

    Weed is only mentally addicting.

    Alcohol is mentally and physically addicting.

  8. Alcohol does the most damage in the body based on history.  Heavy usage of marijuana does some damage over time to certain areas of the brain, mainly memory but, alcohol compared to marijuana usage, same length of time, can cause a heck of lot more does affects the brain, and not just memory but, certain functions of the brain that deals with emotions, behavior, mental control  etc..etc.. also bodily damage like gradual slow damage to liver tissue, bladder get a "soggy" belly, makes the kidneys work harder, low sperm count for males over the long run...other akward problems for females. a nutshell Alcohol comsumption does causes more harm then just smoking a joint here and there though.

  9. Both kill brain cells. Both impair your judgment. Marijuana kills brain cells when you inhale and hold your breath. Holding your breath is what is killing brain cells not necessarily the marijuana itself. Alcohol impairs your body more than marijuana does. I'm not saying I disagree or agree with either...just stating some fact.  

  10. More harm to what?

    Alcohol is harder on the body and more addictive.  People under the influence of alcohol (liquid courage) are more likely to do things causing harm to themselves and others.

    Marijuana harms society by being a natural intoxicant that is related to a plant, commercial hemp, that used to cause a threat (competition) to certain US industrial interests.  Hindsight has shown that the benefits to the nylon and wood pulp industries far out weighs the disaster of our current over-crowding of prisons with victimless adult 'criminals', and making the US's number one cash crop (more than corn and wheat combined!), marijuana, illegal and therefore tax-free.

  11. MARRYJUWANA LOL, Hello that's the dude that smoked a lot of weed over the years forgive his spelling he's lost his brain cells.And is now suffering from paranoid Schizophrenia.

  12. Alcohol does, because it can give you cardiovascular disease.  

  13. Alcohol can cause a serious liver damage, for instance, while the latter doesn't.

  14. That's an easy one, alcohol. When people are under the influence of alcohol they can become abusive, make uneducated choices, kill people while driving. etc. People become dependent on alcohol and ruin families due to their alcoholism. If you are a constant drinker you can get liver disease and die. Alcohol impairs judgement and rational thought. I mean alcohol  is okay on a social basis and as long as it is used in moderation and with due care. But there are so many stories of alcohol and the damage caused by it.

    Now, weed on the other hand makes people lazy and prone to not wanting to even get off the couch. The only person that is effected while smoking weed is the smoker because pot heads are just very calm people. They don't start trouble while they are high and find even the stupidest things funny. People that are high want to chill on the couch while downing a bag of cheetos and watching Friday. My husband smoked pot for a long time and he says it's just a calm thing. He never became addicted to it, it never caused him to do things that he wouldn't normally do. It just made him tired and calm. I think that weed as recreational use should be fine. I think that it would be a great thing to have as a recreational drug like alcohol is. It can be sold and taxed and of course should be monitored like alcohol. You can't drive while under the influence etc etc. But I think honestly that alcohol does a lot more damage in the long run than the recreational use of weed. My husband said if it wasn't for his job he would smoke on the occassion too but his job does drug testing and until weed is legal he can't smoke it.

    SO, that's my answer. Have a great day!

  15. alcohol.. for many reasons.

    chemicals, additives, adjuncts.. harm on the organ tissues.. dehydration and many times folks in general act poorly when consuming it.

    maryjane is harmful but mostly because it's smoked and too much of any smoke inhalation is harmful on the respiratory system.

    that's about it..    too many studies have come up positive on the chemical in pot that shows positive effects on the body even when diseased.

    pot has even been shown to help with alcoholism and cure the 'green gut' feeling when someone's consumed too much alcohol... keeping the stomach at bay and settling down nausea.

    (which i know exclusively.. from experience)

    marijuana is also a duretic and helpful in water retention diseases and inflammation of the circulartory system.

  16. Alcohol.

    Marijuana has never killed anybody.  Alcohol kills countless people every day.


  17. Although both are bad, alcohol is worse as it messes up your liver worse. and since the smoking in not in the lungs as with tobacco, pot wins the battle

  18. I guess Marijuana is proper natural and stuff. Gets you high, but it wont give you liver cancer like alcohol :)

  19. alchole   does more then majinrania  does because alchole is stronger then maj because have you ever herd maj killed any one like alchole does to your brain  

  20. ALCOHOL by far, i think marijuana should be legalized and alcohol should be makes no sense...i would much rather be high mellow chill relaxed and enjoy a good meal then go out to the bars drink a bunch get hammered try to drive home...and feel like **** the next day. People dont hurt people or themselves when they are high on herb and it doesn't hurt you physically alcohol does all that plus more!!!!!! I would def reccommend people to smoke pot instead of drink alcohol

  21. actually both can be pretty good for you in moderation

    if you have a beer a day it can really benefit you, it can reduce the risk of heart attacks and heart disease but if you have more than that it can have a negative effect on you

    with weed you can smoke as much as you want and its not going to affect you... just make sure you don't try to operate any heavy machinery >:]

    edit: weed does NOT kill brain cells, make you lazy, nor cause cancer and it is NOT addictive

    just remember that too much of a good thing can be bad for you

    but everything in moderation is good :D

  22. they both are bad

    but if i had to choose one, i'd say marijuana

    my brother started smoking it when he was 12, and he's 18 now

    and does every drug under the sun imaginable

    but if your only wanting to smoke occasionally, it's not that bad

  23. They both do but marijuana more. If you drink a lot and all the time, in the long term it will do damage like to your kidneys.  

  24. Alcohol is worse.

    Alcohol is addictive and it scars the liver. It impairs judgement more than Marijuana, and if you drink too much of it you die because it is poison. Plus have you ever heard of a guy really stoned on marijuana trying to fight someone or punch through a window? No, but you here about that quite a lot with alcohol (just ask a police officer).

    Marijuana is non-addictive and is helpful in treating the symtoms of many painful and dibilitating diseases including but not limited to cance, aids, glaucome, chron's disease, and irritable bowel syndrome. Studies conducted through private universities and medical labs suggest that Marijuana may eliminate dying or diseased cells before they become cancerous. The only real downfall to marijuana is that if smoked regularly, it may lead to chronic bronchitis.

  25. its all about moderation if u drink all day everyday alochol is bad and will kill u if u smoke 50 blunts a day its not very good for you either but in moderation neither is that bad. BTW some of the things you people are saying about weed is so far from the truth its rediculous

  26. they both can do damage and they both can do good

    which one does more harm depends on how much and what kind you consume

    alcohol has a higher risk for addiction which is what will normally create more trouble in the long run. so i'd say alcohol.

    but they both hav side effects, good and bad. and its a choice if you want to try/use either of them. what i would do is look up as much information as you can and make the decision on which one is worse rather than go on someone elses opinion. but this is a good way to get bias info, just try to make logical decisions that are in your best interest and always remember that nothing is good for you if you have to much of it.  

  27. I would have to say Alcohol. From my experience, alcohol has gotten me into quite abit of trouble threw my lifetime, maybe I can say one reason I am now sober.It has gotten me arrested (not by driving) but getting into fights  with other people, it has caused me to have health problem now that I'm older, many nights I would drink and have blackouts and to this day still don't remember what I did during those times. I tried to kill someone one night and paid a high price for that.Alcohol would cause rages of angry in me to were I was a different person.It took me many years to realize I was an alcoholic and that I needed to stop, and I did just that and can say I've been sober for 10 years. What caused me to become sober,the love and understanding of my family and friends. I will admit I do smoke marijuana, but can stay calm and be a socialable happy person.I'm a marijuana smoker for 37 years now. It has never gotten me into any trouble ever in my lifetime, including trying to kill someone.I feel I'm a much better person by smoking weed, others don't see it that way, but after all it's my life and not their's.i find no harm in smoking weed.I'll smoke till the day I die. And I hope that those who come to my funeral light up one if not two in my honor.

  28. it depens if u drink alcohol too much you will become an alcoholic but marijuana can give u schizaphrenia(dunno if i spelled that right) and lung cancer so ill say marijuana

  29. Both are equally harmful. You can die from both,it all depends on amount and potency.They are both harmful,but they harm different parts of your body but overall will destroy you completely.

    And to the first answerer,both alcohol and marijuana are natural(alcohol is fermented grain)

  30. they're both awful..

    marijuana kills your lungs, as does anything you smoke, and that will kill you faster alcohol.

    however alcohol will destroy the liver and the kidneys with excessive intake therefore it will kill you so the best way to stay alive avoid both...

  31. Alcohol by far...there has never been a known case where someone has died directly due to the use of Marijuana, however; Alcohol related deaths are very common

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