
Which dragon do you prefer from DRAGON'S DEN most?

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Which dragon do you like the least?




  1. LEAST:   Its between Duncan and Deobrah......Duncans a nob because hes trying to be the simon cowell of the business world (even though Simon Cowell is like 10 times richer literally).

    Deobrah is clearly there because she is the token woman whos trying to prove shes better than 4 men put together!

    I like Peter Jones the best!

  2. I like James he is to the point and very polite at times, in other words an old school pro.

    Theo and Duncan are OK, Deborah is just making the numbers up and balance.

    I dislike Peter he is good to watch but wearing "funny" socks is a dead giveaway to his true personality.

  3. I liked the Aussie guy from the last series.  This lot think too highly of themselves and behave more like Hyenas predating.

    If I had to choose probably Theo, but he annoys me the way he breaks things beyond normal usage.  Some of those things involved good ideas that just needed a bit more support at the start

  4. I like Hunky Duncky best and James least

  5. Theo





    I'm going to eat your pizza!

  6. yeah theo is funny!! dont like deborah

  7. Deborah because she is a strong person speaks her mind and doesn't back down like the others tend to do  

  8. I like Duncan best and Peter least.

  9. Peter Jones and then Theo, i dont think i've seen Deborah or Duncan ever invest in anyone.

  10. I like them all apart from deborah.  She is trying to hard on the show I think, and hits me as a bit brash, fancies herself as a ball buster, when really I believe she ran her business into the ground.  cant be too many business woman going around though, so in the interest of  "polital correctness and equality" she is one of only a few candidates suitable for the role.  I must admit she does bring a new dimension to the show.

    I like Peter and Duncan best, they seem to atleast have a bit of a sense of humour.  Then there is theo.  I liked him on top gear, not so much on Dragons den but he is ok.

    I really liked The aussie bloke from last series, and I like james from this one aswell.  They are both very genuine people, and keep it very professional.  

  11. Theo, he makes me laugh

  12. There all OK apart from Deborah Meaden, if i had to pick though it would probably be Theo.

  13. Theo is a legend! Cant stand deborah meadon tho she is a slag!

  14. I Like Peter jones. Dont like deborah!!!!!

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