
Which drink is better during excersice? GATORADE OR WATER?

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please help i need awnswers for projects iam doing on a science fair compettion....thanx♥




  1. I heard that Gatorade is good because there are electrolytes in it.  But I know there are bottled waters with electrolytes in them too, like Smart Water.  I googled your keywords and an article came up that you might want to check out:

  2. Water.

  3. water----since it is free, the Gatorade folks would have you believe differently.

  4. Gatorade because it have many electrolytes that charges our energy

  5. During exercise I would have to say Gatorade because you do get more out of your exercises. But there is no substitute for water. Consumption of water on a daily bases is a must and can't be replaced. Read the link on the bottom it explains everything in detail.

  6. water for everyone!

  7. water

  8. I prefer water. It is the best drink for the human body.

  9. Water is always the best drink no matter where you are, or what its for. GP's and health professionals ALWAYS tell you to drink water over ANYTHING else. Sports drinks contain sugars that are not needed. Your body creates its own sugars, but you need water to do the process.

    Electrolytes do not charge energy. Breathing renews your energy. This is why when in higher altitudes your strength gets low due to lack of oxygen.

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