The last time I posted this there was enormous confusion over the details so I am reposting it make the incident more clear. If you cannot take the time to read the facts below, please do not respond.
Above is the image.
1) The rectangles are much larger than the actual size of the cars in relation of the street. This is so you can see them. The picture shows roughly 2 square city blocks of area.
2) The car represented by the red rectangle had flashing red lights. This refers to the directional device of the street, not an emergency vehicle.
3) The car represented by the white rectangle had flashing yellow lights. This refers to the directional device of the street, not an emergency vehicle.
4) The distance between the red car (stopped at the light) and the yellow car when it first appears is over 500 feet. THIS MEANS THAT WHEN THE RED CAR STOPPED AT THE INTERSECTION AND LOOKED FOR ONCOMING TRAFFIC, THE CLOSEST CAR WAS ROUGHLY A CITY BLOCK AWAY.
5) The image now includes more data than an earlier posting (the time when the red car approached the intersection) to make the event clearer to the viewer. However, it reflects the same data.
6) It should be clear that the white car accelerates at the intersection and does not stop. Assuming that this is not the case when the image shows this defeats the purpose of the question.
7) The image should clearly show that when the red car is stopped at the intersection, the white car suddenly appears over 500 feet away right when the red car is proceeding into the intersection.
8) It should be clear that the white car does not approach the intersection until the red car is already in the middle of it.