
Which driving violations would give me a bad driving record?

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I've had my license over 2 years and but had just gotten it suspended due to 2 tickets which were failure-to-pay, The only tickets i have gotten in my life was for being an unlicesed driver. I have not had any speeding, DUI's, Red lights, nothing like that. A new job has been offered to me to be a leadman, which interest me a lot, but the bad thing is that they check my driving record. Im paying the two unlicesed tickets Tomorrow so they wont show i my record. Please if anyone can help i can really appreciate it. Thank You




  1. A bad driving record is one that shows a lot of moving violations, serious violations, or disrespect for the rules.

    Lots of moving violations (speeding, red light, stop sign, failure to yield) 2 or more in one year, 3 or more in 5 years, or 5 or more in 10 years.

    Serious violations are careless and reckless or driving while intoxicated.  These take only one to be bad.

    Disrespect for the rules are equipment violations, license plate violations, drivers license violations, and (unfortunately in your case) failure to pay.  It takes a few of these to be considered having a bad record, but they add up.

    And by the way, they never come off your record unless expunged by a court order.

  2. I don't know what state you are in.  In CA, almost any moving violations will add a "point" to your record.  4 points = suspension.  More severe violations add 2 points.  Some violations (DUI) result in a suspension by themselves, and points.

    Regardless of your point count, however, a failure to pay for a citation will result in a hold on your license until the amount is paid.  Driving on a suspended license is a misdemeanor and carries a hefty fine.

    It seems like you have quite a few problems with yours.  You might want to check with the DMV and/or the Courts to see how to resolve this.

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