
Which drugs do the most damage with the least use?

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Most drugs are harmful because of addictions they lead to or gradual deterioration to health (ie crack or to baccy). I'm just curious as to what drugs can seriously mess with your health after just one or a few uses. For example, i know you can die from inhalants randomly after one use. Any others?




  1. Exstacy

  2. X, meth, crack, weed (weed gets ignored alot & medical science is just figuring out that weed abuse can cause psychological damage much later in life). will it kill you? probably not. will it cause anxiety attacks 20 years after you stop toking? maybe!

  3. ecstasy (despite what those other idiots think), pot, LSD, and heroin (believe it or not) are generally the safest drugs for a few uses.

    Inhalants are BY FAR the worst. The 'high' from inhalants is caused by nothing more than direct damage to the brain (I've done the research).

    The 2nd worst is, get ready for this... Alcohol, because unlike other drugs, alcohol is always permanently toxic to your brain.

  4. lithium, or insulin or heart meds if you don't have a condition needing them. lithium reprograms the brain in as little as one dose, insulin can send you into diabetic shock instantly, and heart meds can stop your heart. other than that the ones you can use once and need forever.......methadone. not crystal meth, i can smoke a bowl once a year and walk away for another year or 2 til the next big party no problem, but methadone also reprograms you in 1 wafer or large pill.

  5. Maybe extasy. Have you listened to people on youtube who have done x?

    They talk but they say nothing at the same time. Really messes them up.

    But coke is bad too. It messes with the happiness part of the brain so nothing is ever good again that is not the drug.    

  6. heroin, highly addictive, easy to overdose

  7. pcp, one of the strongest drugs ever


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