
Which drugs or supplements increase the height?

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Which drugs or supplements increase the height?




  1. A few things that help...

    I was 5’1 at 27. now I am turning 28 in a month and I am 5’6. I grew the most during this summer because I actually started using super-growth .

    the following helped me and still help:

    1) Drinking at least 2 big glasses of milk a day.

    2.) playing basketball and going swimming. Basketball really helps, and you should also work out your calves and thigh muscles, that helps too.

    3)Eat alot, because when I started to get taller I didn’t gain a pound but I looked skinnier.

    4) this is another natural solution to grow taller and quicker

  2. there is no drugs that can increase the height. Hang yourself upside down for a hour. I Chinese guy (those people are nuts btw) hanged upside down every day for an hour so he can become taller so he can became a dancer......

  3. Unfortunately, no. Nothing can force your body to grow taller than your DNA says you will. There are some things that can take away from your potential height (including smoking, drugs, caffeine, etc), so as long as you stay away from those and have a healthy diet, you should grow as tall as you're supposed to. Besides all that, your growing age normally peaks around 20 years old, so if you're younger than that, you've got plenty of time to finish growing and the HGH pills can actually be detrimental to your height and/or health. If you are over 20 years old, HGH won't help with height anyway because your bones would have already fused.

    However, if they are insoles, those will help to boost your height because they are adding the height, not making you grow taller.

  4. Growth hormones increase body size by making bones and muscles grow but these chemicals (used as doping in sports) have a lot of serious side effects: liver problems, overgrowing bodily hair, impotence, etc. so you have to be careful with them.

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