
Which ear do most people???

by  |  earlier

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get pierced for theyre regular cartilage piercing? and why?




  1. The left ear.....   ^ this answer is wrong....people associate the right ear with being a L*****n!

  2. Left, I have no idea why though. I have mine done on the right and a lot of people like it. People about 10-15 years ago said people who got it done in the right ear were g*y. But no one believes that anymore, actually no one really remembers that. So I would say whichever you prefer, both look good and most people don't even tell which ear its on.

  3. left means your lesbien and right is just normal some people say it means chavvie but its better than being called lesbien when your not unless you are then go for it please answer my questions

  4. it doesnt matter. you can get it on any side you want. but i suggest that you get it on the side that you dont sleep on.  i have it on my left side.

  5. on the left, and I dont know why, I had one done but I took it out I might get it done again.

    but I dont think that it matters which side you get it done

  6. i'd say left............seen so many on that side...........but i like it on the right:)

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