
Which earthquake recording was the longest on planet earth and when it occured?

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planet earth sits on plates that moves. each move that they make, it causes the continents to move. as the continents move, it causes what is known as the earthquake. some earthquake readings are in shorter time then others. therefore, i am asking to know the longest earthquake reading that the earthquake monitoring station might have and when it happened.




  1. My simple earthquake alarm designed by me in the year 2001 and still in proper working condition in my house sensed the earthquake waves for an unusual time of 12 minutes on 26th December 2004 at 00.58.00 GMT and Indian standard time of 6.30 A.M.. I thing this is the longest period ever recorded in seismograph.It was reported after about 2 hours by our meteorological department as Richter scale 7.6 and later on revised as 8.6 finally announced by USGS as 9.3.But I reported to local T.V.Stations at 6.45 A.M itself Like this. I sensed a major earthquake which I have never hear ed in the history of earthquakes.Please advice the people to be ready to move to a safer place because the sea water may rise to a great height.But my warning was ignored. Even the major one struck at Chili in Richter scale 9.5 have lasted only for about 6 minutes only. The reason for longest time of recording was carefully studied by me. Than I came to a conclusion that the primary wave arrived shortly through sea water and the secondary wave took more time to reach our country through sea water by undergoing several refraction and reflections. My instrument sensed and alerted me from 6.30 AM to 6.42 am on Tsunami day.

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