
Which embassy would I email in France to...?

by  |  earlier

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I'm doing a project on France and i need to know which embassy to contact in France that would send a euro coin or two in an info packet if requested thx




  1. if thats the american ambassy, as others, its in paris.

    in france we cant send monday by the post, no coin no money, only check

  2. I found a site about France Euro coins with a link to the national mint and a page for coin collectors.  From the national mint page you can go to the coin shop where it is possible to purchase Euro coins.

    I am giving you the direct link to the page where it is possible to buy French coins.  It might be quicker to do it this way than to write all the embassies, etc.  (In any case, after you do all that chasing around, I doubt it will be fruitful, unless a friendly diplomat decides he or she will just send you his pocket change from his his/her last trip to France.) This is a site for collectors, but you can choose coins from cheap to expensive.Good luck with your project.

  3. go to your lokal bank and ask kindly if they've got some Euro coins. Sometimes people bring them from their vacations and the bank puts them aside because they can't use them. So with a little luck, you'll get one in your bank.

  4. Go to the exchange desk at your local airport. They'll have Euro coins.

  5. What country are you a citizen of? Contact your country's embassy in France. There will be only one embassy in France for each country, most likely in Paris, and some smaller consulates.

  6. The local consulate would be the one but I doubt they will send you any euro coins. If you are American here is the list of French Consulates in the US:

    But my advice is to just put an ad on your local craigslist and look for someone who has some French euros coins left from a recent trip to France.

    See if there is an Alliance française near you or French expats. I don't know if your name has anything to do with living in Atlanta but there are several francophone or francophile clubs in most major cities such as these in Atlanta (some members are French, others go to France on a regular basis):

    I know there are websites and forums hosted by French people in New York, Boston, San Diego for instance...

    and in many other cities:

    Ask someone if they can give you a few euro coins. Make sure the coins are French as French people may have euro coins from another country in their wallet. The coins have one side common to all euro-zone countries and one side specific to each country but they can all be used in any country using the euro. This way you can explain who/what is at the back of every coin.

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