
Which energy drink is healthier, Rockstar or Monster?

by Guest59171  |  earlier

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I am doing a project for math, and I have no clue which one is healthier (even though neither one is too healthy).




  1. well im drinking a rockstar right now so here r the nutrition facts:

    (its the double sized)

    serving size: 8 fl. oz

    serving per container:2


    total carb:31 g









    energy blend:1.35g


    ginko biloba leaf extract:150mg


    guarana seed extract: 25mg



    panax ginseng extract:25mg

    milk thisle extract:25mg

    thats it. sry, i dont hav a monster w/ me

    hope that helped

  2. I don't think that either one of them is healthier over the other, really.

  3. MONSTER: has 110 calories, 26g of sugar, 26g of carbs, 100% of B6 and B12. It is sweetened with Sucrose and Glucose.

    ROCKSTAR: has 110 calories, 27g of sugar, 29g of carbs, 200% of B2, 50% of B3, B5, B6, & B12. It is sweetened with High fructose corn syrup and glucose.

    Out of the w I would say that even though there are more B vitamins in Rockstar that Monster is healthier.

    However, skip both of them and try XS Energy instead.

    XS ENERGY: has 8 calories, 0 sugar, 0 carbs, 100% of B3 & B5, 300% of B6, and 4,900 of B12. It is sweetened with Acesulfame Potassium (Ace-K) and sucralose.

    It also has 10 regular flavors and 3 caffeine free flavors. It tastes much better than most other energy drinks too.

  4. They are about the same, not good for you. You should try this stuff called zip fizz. Its made with b vitamins, and feels like a b12 shot.

  5. They are both sugar water with caffeine to addict you and maybe a little bit of cheap vitamins as a marketing ploy to trick you into thinking they are healthy.

  6. Neither

  7. Mmmm Monster!! =p

    Tastes so good...

    but drink too many & ull b on the toilet 4 a while lmao

  8. honestly i wouldnt drink either of them

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