
Which enforces humility more, science or religion?

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Religion claims that the universe was created with you in mind, that the creator made everything just for you, which sounds kind of arrogant.

Science says that even though we know alot, we can't know everything and can never know everything. That humility is gained from knowing all the beauty in the cosmos and that we are here.

The universe is wonderful and beautiful on it's own without saying god or a deity is the cause of the cosmos. So I would have to say science offers more humility. What do you think?




  1. Humility is  conscious awareness of one's shortcomings, which is a spiritual quality by its nature, ergo it has its origins in religion.

  2. solomon said the Lord hates of all things a haughty expression, a man standing tall in arrogance, a man like satan independent from the Creator and life Giver... this is why He brings the proud ones low, if not in this life than the next. if you're His child, you'll be disciplined in this world because your reward is in the next.

  3. If you knew as many scientists as I know, you wouldn't ask that question. :P Humility is NOT a part of science!

    Science says that we know facts. Oops. Now we know facts. Oops. NOW we know facts. It claims to know when it's only guessing - how self-righteous is that?

    Now, tell me, what is the first cause? What cause that big explosion of nothing that became something?  

  4. "To sum up: 1. The cosmos is a gigantic fly-wheel making 10,000 revolutions a minute. 2. Man is a sick fly taking a dizzy ride on it. 3. Religion is the theory that the wheel was designed and set spinning to give him the ride."

    "We must respect the other fellow’s religion, but only in the sense and to the extent that we respect his theory that his wife is beautiful and his children smart."

  5. You are right.

    The problem is that we confuse religion with its mythology.

  6. Humiliation with a little rejection.

  7. I don't think it displays arrogance... i think it displays the amount of love God has for His children.

    Just my personal view.

  8. So, you recognize the beauty of the cosmo and the fact that you're here..But can't bring yourself to credit it to something with an obviously higher intelligence than you possess?

    And you accuse us of arrogance?

  9. Whichever illusion suits you best.

  10. Of course. Only science admits that it does not have the answers and requires people to search for it. Religion teaches to trust that they know the truth and to stop searching.

  11. thats a nice thought.

    but why put so much stock in humility?

  12. Neither my dear friend. A good butt kicking makes people more humble that all of the science and preaching there is!

    lol...Just kidding. My vote is always with that which is beyond ALL duality what many refer to as God. Peace&Love be with you...~M~

  13. That humility is also gained from knowing we are not important in the big system of things. Us being here or not does not affect the universe.

    Religion claims we are the sole purpose of the universe, the universe is made to accommodate us. Why make it so big? We take up a tiny insignificant fraction of the universe.

    If God did create us, I wouldn't trust him. Never mind believe in him. His efficiency is shocking.

  14. I would say LSD, because it can bridge the gap between science and spirituality. As a pantheist, I see the comos as god or a reflection of god.

  15. Of course science!

    I always say "i only belive in my eyes" .. i mean - science gives a logical explanation to all,and religion just let's us hope that SOME day SOMEhow SOMEone will rescue us... blah.i don't believe in such things.Religion is for the weak minded who need to believe in something that isn't real,just to reject the true,cold reality... soo i say science (althought science has proved that it also can't be trusted,but at least it's real)...

    thats my opinion :]

  16. which religion there are some very modest religion  

  17. Science is on a huge ego trip. They are saying that they have figured out how the universe and life began. Putting themselves above God.Where's the humility in that? It is more humble to admit that we are a creation made by someone who loves us.

  18. I have to agree on Religion because it is a system based on order and set of guidelines to follow.

  19. Depends on the religion.

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