
Which engineering is easiest("in math") & has more money? electrical or civil?

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I mean I am about to choose a major and I do not want to fail in any of my classes and at the same time I want more money. My math is okay as long some one is there to make me understand. I have never taken any higher level math classes so that's why I was asking.




  1. When I took engineering economics as a college senior in 1977, we worked out a problem where we proved that if you wanted money, you should have chosen to join the plumbers union instead of going to engineering school.

  2. As far as which is easier CE or EE the math is about the same in both, with EE being slightly more difficult in my opinion.(Because you use more higher level math more often in EE)  The money is good in both fields and always getting better EE looks to make slightly more starting out.  I am a CE major and enjoy it very much and have friends that are EE and enjoy it also.  If you choose CE, because it encompasses such broad subject matter, you will have many study options as well as career choices to choose from.  CE like all engineering requires a good fundamental knowledge of both math and sciences.  The calculus courses( yes courses Cal 1,2,3 and then DE probably) are not that difficult provided you pay attention in class and keep up with the required homework.  Practice will make you better at it.  Like I said I am a CE major and do struggle from time to time with some things, but as long as you stay focused and work hard to understand what you are being taught you should do fine.  This is a great time to consider Civil engineering or Electrical Engineering because there is a good need for both in the future.  You will be able to contribute to society and make a good salary. Good luck  

  3. I would say civil will be easier overall.  you can get through it, but the real question is what do you really want to do when you get out of college.

    civil engineering requires a lot of certification after college to get a really good job.  

  4. More money = electrical

    Less math = civil

    They will both have math, but the level of math used in electrical engineering is rediculous.  Civil also pays very very well, but not quite as much as EE when starting out.


  5. id probably say electrical since our nation is in desperate need of alternative energy

  6. Selecting a major based on what's "easier" or "pays more money" is a poor choice and you will likely end up either changing your major again, or if you do actually get a degree in that field, you will end up either not working in that field or not being happy in your job.  I've seen this happen many times.  You should choose your major based on what you really enjoy doing.  If it's something technical, then maybe engineering is a good choice.  If not, no problem - there are lots of other professions.  It's about being happy with life, it's not all about money.

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