
Which entity is most amphibious by nature? SEALs or Marines

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Which entity is most amphibious by nature? SEALs or Marines




  1. I'd say they're about the same.

  2. SEALs hands down. Hence their reputation...

  3. This is a common mistake made by most civilians who don't know the difference. You cannot compare a Navy SEAL with Marine Recon; it's like comparing apples and oranges. Both are equally capable of dipatching the enemies of the United States with nearly effortless efficiency; however they both have very different missions to perform.

    Navy Seals fight in highly specialized teams and have all of the cool little gadgets everyone thinks they have. Their mission is more aggressive (for lack of a better term), usually being called upon to approach the enemy by stealth and infiltrate, kill, assassinate, blow up and/or utterly destroy a fairly hardened target with minimal losses. This they do with nearly miraculous aptitude.

    Marine Recon, while probably as capable as a Navy Seal in terms of engaging the enemy and dispatching them to the holiest of holies where they receive their 72 virgins for a job well done, have a different mission. They are usually employed to approach the enemy by stealth and to survive long enough to report back to their HQ on troop strength, base reinforcements, yada, yada, yada. That is NOT to say they cannot kill with great efficiency, ...they just prefer to elude rather than engage the enemy (again, depending upon their specific mission).

    Therefore, I would say the SEALs are more amphibhious in nature since that is their usual avenue of approach; from the sea.

  4. they both can do OTB ( over the beach) operations they both can do the same things in the water so i would say they are about the same

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