
Which environmental issue do you feel is the most imperative at the moment?

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Are you worried about Global warming and the ice caps melting? Do you think we are fishing too heavily all over the world and are slowly depleting one of our biggest sources of food? Do you think most of the waste we are depositing into the earth will affect us eventually if it hasn't already done so? Do you think we are doing too little/too much to conserve many different types of species?

What efforts are being done to help mitigate your suggested issue? Do you think they'll work?




  1. In a world where no one need starve I think that the most imperative issue, in a Global sense, is to put good food and drink into the stomachs of children.

    As a species we are far too insular and could very easily deal with most problems but refuse to do so because of an overwhelming selfishness and greed.

    Apart from the above I would find it difficult to prioritise the things you mention. We can deal with them all.

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