
Which environmental problem is the most serious to you?

by Guest65001  |  earlier

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I know i've asked this before, but this time you can say any environmental problem, not just one on a list. So which environmental problem is the most serious to you?




  1. I find 4 major environmental problems as  serious ones.

    1 Addition of plastics.

    2 Release of  smokes from industries.

    3 Release of Fumes from Automobiles.

    4 Addition of  sewage water in to underground water.

  2. The destruction of our forests and the ecosystem they sustain.


  4. CO2 emissions from tree huggers.

  5. I believe that all of the environmental problems such as climate change, damage in the Ozone layer and extinctions are all related to each other.

    both damage to the ozone and gases increasing the greenhouse affect are direct results of human pollution. These in turn alter the weather and climate patterens around the world puting many speices into danger of extinction as their environment changes.

    becayse of this i say all environmental disasters are equally serious.

  6. TOO MANY HUMANS~! we are taking over everything soon there will be nothing left. and we pollute and destroy and kill and it is really bad

  7. #1 WATER. Globally it is a sound and clean circulation and availability of  water anytime for everyone. Just now people are dying because of water, bad water or no water at all.

    #2 AIR. In the industrial part of the world it is air pollution. We need a sound and clean air and atmosphere to survive on earth. The industrial world are damaging the air and atmosphere.

    #3 POLITICS. We need politicians that WANT to make changes and not just talk about it.

    #4 CERTIFICATION. All industries and businesses need to go thru a envirnmental certification program like ISO 14001:2004. European countries are world leaders per capita. Japan and China is world leaders in number of certified companies. USA are way behind on both..............

    #5 KNOWLEDGE. Locally it is lack of environmental and ecological knowledge. We need to know and understand more about how to make our society environmental and ecological sound. One example is the CO2 carbon effects. Most people don´´t understand the difference between the bio-carbon "in the system", and the fossil carbon we use for fuel. Burning fire wood does not have and long term impact on CO2 in atmosphere.

    #6 RECYCLING. Way to much of our "garbage" are going to landfill today. Most cities prefer recycle mix, which means that we trow everything in ONE recycle bin. Glass cans, paper cardboard etc have to go to a processing plant to get separated/assorted.  We need to start recycle/separating our garbage at the source. Our homes are the biggest source of garbage. From there PUT A MINIMUM of energy into recycling. Store more at house before deliver to recycling center.

    #7 ECONOMY. Use the cash deposit/refund system on everything that is recyclable, even paper and cardboard. That is a great system that encourage good and energy efficient recycling. And it acivate and make our kids skilled and trained for the future. They will knock on your door every week to pick up your recycling if you dont want to do it your self. BIG business for kids.

  8. Deforestation

    then pollution

  9. Loss of nature do to deforestation and urban sprawl but littering is way up there on my list. I live on the peninsula in N. CA. and there is litter everywhere. Which sucks because it all ends up in the bay or ocean.

  10. NOT ACTUALLY DOING ANYTHING everyone complains but I am not seeing anyone do anything but complain shut up and invoke some change!!

  11. pollution. And the biggest cause of pollution: Cars, buses, trucks, tanks, etc!

  12. car fuel

    (sorry i have amny.. there in order)

    elctricity waste

    food, paper anything waste (drives me crazy ecspecailly water!!)

    forests, and animal killed

  13. We (humans) are the biggest problem. Instead of using our intelligence to sustain everything on the planet, we are using up all the oil, water, land, polluting the rivers and oceans and are driven by our need to want ever more of everything.

    We should learn to live (and be happy) with less as well as share the planet with the animals.

    We have become so involved in ourselves, we ignire everything else.

  14. i think extinction of speices cause by us humans

  15. The overpopulation of humans, and watching them, their houses, malls, schools, gas stations, ect creep and sprawl into areas that were once prime farm ground, forests, medowland, or otherwise productive and mostly undistirbed land for either wildlife, or farming.  Now paved, bulldozed, and built upon.  

    So very sad.

  16. The propagation of Global Warming which causing the price of gasoline to go up.

  17. Over population!!!!! I know alot of people want kids but seriously there are too many people in this world! I'm only 13 and I think about all of the worlds problems everyday.

  18. The CO2 in the air, population pressure, and deforestation

  19. The problem of enviromentalists.

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